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Steam Supported in WineX 3.3

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  • Steam Supported in WineX 3.3

    Slashdot reports the new version of WineX now has support for Steam. This is certainly good for any Linux user who has had recent problems playing their favorite game with their Windows brethren.

    For those who don't know, WineX is an emulator used by Linux systems to run Windows applications that would not normally run on a Linux system.

    Check out the release notes and head on over to the WineX site for more details.

  • #2
    Am I dreaming? I hope this works for me!

    Do note that prepackaged releases of WineX (RPMs, debian packages and the like) are for subscribers only so you'll have to pay for them. On the other hand, the sources from the CVS repositories are FREE.

    A good tutorial on getting the CVS version of WineX easily -


    • #3
      For those who don't know, WineX is an emulator used by Linux systems to run Windows applications that would not normally run on a Linux system.
      Wine is not an emulator. It's an implementation of the Windows API.



      • #4
        the real question, wheres the wednesday update


        • #5
          They call it wine because linux users are always whining about not having any programs to run on their OS except that has an H in it so they probably call it wine because they are all drunks.


          • #6
            Are you slagging Linux? How about trying it before you slag it. Also it wasn't named by drunks. Wine stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator.


            • #7
              I don't see the point in Linux or any other OS infact. What's the point in em. You get it, install it, then your like "WTF, what now?". You'll have nothing to do on it apart from going on crappy linux made only programs LOL. All I can say to you is format your hard drive and get the only real OS Windows ffs. Then you strange Linux people won't have nothing to wine about. Complaining about you can't run no programs, well why the fuck did you get Linux in the first place LMAO. Buy Windows, It's created by the #1 computer corporation in the world Microsoft and it is the main most recognised OS. Why bother with all the others? Mac, Linux... I'd hate to be on one of those other shitty OS. I'd feel disabled and different not being able to play the latest games and have the latest programs. Some people for christ sake, what's the world coming too. You know this is all the truth so dont reply with your little smart ass comments. You know it's the truth so shut up, read it, and aggree with it.


              • #8
                Typical Linux responce; have you tried it? Its more stable, it rocks and Bill gates sux0rs



                • #9
                  Bah! I'll just forget this news post. All us Linux users get is flamage from other people. Also, my machine has windows on it too and I like it so don't call me disabled.


                  • #10
                    I just bought a new computer off of eBay so that I could move my webserver, and all of my movies there so that when I play CS (or Max Payne 2 -- rock!) my website won't be slow.

                    So I got an extra Linux computer so that I could play cs on windows and now they tell me it's supported under Wine. Eh, I don't think my new Linux machine would be fast enough anyway.


                    • #11
                      For those of you bashing Linux saying it's no good because you can't play games. I guess you're the type of people that try to use a hammer to drive a screw. For every job there's a tool.

                      Would you use Windows for your mission critical security application? You'd be asking for trouble if you did. No, you'd either use a hardware based solution or Unix. In turn, you use Micosoft for games because that's what it's good for. That and writing reports. Otherwise, again you use Unix.

                      Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and others are designed to be servers not gaming platforms. Although, this doesn't mean it can't be used to play games.

                      It's due to lack of vendor support that there aren't any good games for Unix-like OS's. Don't blame the OS, blame the vendor. All Valve has to do is port Steam to Linux, or FreeBSD (which would be killer at least on the server side) and it would make a nice platform for playing games, serving web pages, filtering packets, and more all at the same time.

                      At home I use the right tool for the job. I have OpenBSD as my firewall, FreeBSD serving the web pages, and Mickeysoft running the games. What do you have in your toolbox?


                      • #12
                        You know all those crashes in windows that you get, that your pretty much used to right now? Guess what, with Linux, they virtually dissapear. Its a MUCH more stable OS than Microsoft will ever be.


                        • #13
                          Equalizer! wrote..

                          I don't see the point in Linux or any other OS infact. What's the point in em. You get it, install it, then your like "WTF, what now?". You'll have nothing to do on it apart from going on crappy linux made only programs LOL. All I can say to you is format your hard drive and get the only real OS Windows ffs. Then you strange Linux people won't have nothing to wine about. Complaining about you can't run no programs, well why the fuck did you get Linux in the first place LMAO. Buy Windows, It's created by the #1 computer corporation in the world Microsoft and it is the main most recognised OS. Why bother with all the others? Mac, Linux... I'd hate to be on one of those other shitty OS. I'd feel disabled and different not being able to play the latest games and have the latest programs. Some people for christ sake, what's the world coming too. You know this is all the truth so dont reply with your little smart ass comments. You know it's the truth so shut up, read it, and aggree with it.
                          Wow you live in a small world... I bet you like Audi's too... There are numerous reasons why windows blows... first it crashes, second there is no unified security model, unlike ALL OTHER OS's. Have you tried MAC OS or linux? The amount of work I can get done in MAC OS far exceeds what I can get done in windows, and I am not just talking about graphics and video. Sure windows has the most games, but the majority of top games also come out on the MAC. And many on Linux. But keep hammering in that screw with Windows rules.


                          • #14
                            KhAoS wrote..

                            You know all those crashes in windows that you get, that your pretty much used to right now? Guess what, with Linux, they virtually dissapear. Its a MUCH more stable OS than Microsoft will ever be.
                            I begin to wonder, everyone who's argument is that Windows is SOOOOOOOO unstable and crashes every 5 minutes, are you all running WinME?

                            XP is just as stable as Linux is for me, I have a "crash" maybe once every.. month, at most. And that's almost always user error. Generally speaking, I have no issues at all with Windows (XP) crashing on its own (95, 98 and ME are different stories, though)


                            • #15
                              Shuzer wrote..

                              I begin to wonder, everyone who's argument is that Windows is SOOOOOOOO unstable and crashes every 5 minutes, are you all running WinME?

                              XP is just as stable as Linux is for me, I have a "crash" maybe once every.. month, at most. And that's almost always user error. Generally speaking, I have no issues at all with Windows (XP) crashing on its own (95, 98 and ME are different stories, though)
                              I'm a linux fan and yet I have to strongly agree with this point. People constantly complain about Computer crashes, but I'd say 75% of crashes are user error or errors in the actual applications, not errors in the operating system. I use Windows XP constantly, and at most I get a crash once a month, after a friend decides to install spyware ridden programs on my machine.

