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The Future Of E-Sports?

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  • #16
    fraggleroc wrote..

    not anyone can be "close to the best", given time. if you've seen the pros (lvl40s) at it in warcraft 3, it's the same thing here i think. u need immense amount of talent/coordination/teamwork to be good in certain challenging online games. that makes it a "viable spectator sports".

    how many can be a Showtime.werra (well known korean wc3 player) or a SK/3d cs-team?
    it seems to me that the only exceptional thing those players exibit is the amount of time they pour into their games. i think with enough time most young people can become awesome at video games, but there's no way in hell they would have the build to compete in the nfl. there's got to be some sort of physical element to the game.


    • #17
      Craptastic! wrote..

      "its not that hard to be a football player"

      Right, anyone can go right into a serious football game and come out fine while delivering a decent performance.

      The term "E-Sports" never ceases to make me cringe.
      no not just anyone, but you could get to that position if you tried hard and were committed.


      • #18
        From personal experience, it takes much more effort to become decent at sports when compared to video games in general. One must condition their body for pretty much any legitimate sport compared to say, memorizing good spots to hide and surprise the opposition in a CS map.

