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Joe Hill Interview

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  • Joe Hill Interview

    GotFrag had a chance to interview Joseph F. Hill, president and CEO of Cyber X Games. Obviously this interview deals with the recent CXG Qualifier incident to clarify and explain the current situation concering last night.
    Has the person who pulled the gun been apprehended? Is there any further news you can share with us regarding what happened?

    I have not spoken to the local police department since late Saturday night; however, I know that the investigation is ongoing and that charges will be filed. The police do have the names of the players and teams associated with the actions and we assume that this will reach a quick conclusion. I can tell everyone that the person that pulled the gun was not part of the BZ team, rather, friends of a certain member of that team.
    If you're interested on this matter, I highly suggest you head on over to read this interview right away.

  • #2
    I can tell everyone that the person that pulled the gun was not part of the BZ team, rather, friends of a certain member of that team.
    That's horrible, really really horrible.


    • #3
      Some people got to learn that it's only a game.


      • #4
        Phew. Atleast its now a possibility that the gunman was doing a "favor" for a friend, rather then being apart of the team and getting pissed off at losing.


        • #5
          i'm going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet


          • #6
            What is really more pathetic?

            The fact that a person pulled a gun over the result of the match.


            The fact that people encouraged him to pull the trigger.

            It really is high time for this sub culture to step back and look at itself and realize how low it has sunk.


            • #7
              The whole gaming culture and community cannot be blamed for the actions of a group of irresponsible teens, but we CAN unencourage it.


              • #8
                Shadow wrote..

                The whole gaming culture and community cannot be blamed for the actions of a group of irresponsible teens, but we CAN unencourage it.
                I agree...But is "unencourage" a word???

                Anyway, I find it DISCUSTING that something such as this has happend. I really think the involved parties need to stop and take a good hard look at themselves about this. I just can't believe how people can get so pissed off about a game. I mean sure, I know I get a bit annoyed when I am having a spaz of curses in my game of cs and people say "It's only a game", I know you can take games seriously, but NOT serious to the point of pulling a gun on someone, and furthermore, ENCOURAGING the gun holder to pull the trigger. It really is an outrage.

                Oh another thing is that dude who got caught wanking at a lan. I will try dig up the link for the news about it, it was @ Funny stuff.

                Edit: Typos


                • #9
                  I think people need to remember that the guy with the gun wasn't playing.


                  • #10
                    Very uncool man, very uncool


                    • #11
                      This is exactly the reason why I quit playing CS. People take it way to seriously, and they can't just sit back and enjoy it. What I find horrendously sickening is that people actually encoutaged the gunman to pull the trigger. Suprise asshole, this is real life- the kid aint gonna come back "next round" . Damn people are stupid.

                      That pretty much killed any interest for me wanting to get back into CS... better luck next time you psycho crackhead.

                      I hope they arrest whoever did it and really crack down on him.


                      • #12
                        This is going to be another one of those things...

                        Video game with guns... Guns brought to video game....

                        We'll hear about this one - I from both sides, as a gun owner first, and a counter-strike fan second. Garbage, sheer garbage.

                        To make a bad situation worse, the guy who pulled the gun - Should be shot on general principle.


                        • #13
                          jax0r wrote..

                          I agree...But is "unencourage" a word???
                          Nope, try disencourage....

                          Just shows you how crap the gun laws in the US are. (I from the UK)

                          it was lucky a shot wasn't fired, wounding or even killing someone!!

                          <sigh> U lot never seem to learn.........


                          • #14
                            lampwick wrote..

                            Just shows you how crap the gun laws in the US are. (I from the UK)
                            Yes - your laws are so superior that only your criminals have guns. Hooray for you, now you must count on other people to defend your lives and your freedom. Feel special, and especially - feel safe...

                            I am proud to be a member of the NRA and licensed to carry firearms.

                            It's not "crap" laws that cause this problem, it's crap intellect. It's the fact that youth all over the world, including Britain, are being allowed to sink lower and lower into a pit of stupidity. This is not just an 'Amercian' problem.

                            I will say that in America, parents of these children are less and less involved in their lives. They allow television and other things to teach their kids moral values and acceptable social behaviors, when they themselves should be establishing those values. Many people have mentioned Columbine in the past 2 days on here - it's a perfect example. Mom and dad had no idea what little Johnny and his trenchcoat buddies were up to - because they did not pay attention.

                            Fortunately, I had parents and family that were more responsible, and in fact gave me the knowledge and respect for firearms that I now have. If they had allowed another source to teach me about them (i.e. television, games, rap music, etc...) I might have a different outlook on the usefulness of handguns.

                            If rational thought and intelligence were more popular than ignorance and stupidity we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


                            • #15
                              Yes - your laws are so superior that only your criminals have guns. Hooray for you, now you must count on other people to defend your lives and your freedom. Feel special, and especially - feel safe...

                              Well actually a US citizen is a shitload more likely to get shot than a person living in the UK. UK has one of the lowest rate of gun-related deaths in the developed countries of the world (probably only Japan has a lower rate). You can always argue whether it's the legislation that prevents shootings (I believe not even the police carry guns on the streets in UK) or is it just the culture/mentality. I believe it's a bit of both. In some countries, there seems to be no problems although people are allowed to own guns. Swizerland is a good example of this.

                              I'm living in Finland and would never ever want to own a gun, I haven't even seen one irl and I hope I never will. I just can't understand why people need them. So let's assume someone tries to mug you... what you gonna do, pull out a gun really fast so that he doesn't have the time to shoot you? You wake up a night and hear burglars downstairs... what do you do, try to quietly sneak downstairs to unlock the gun cabinet where you keep the guns (so that your kids can't blow their brains out) and waste them? Rrrrrrright. The only reason I can understand for having a gun is sport, hunting etc.

                              I also believe that not allowing citizens to have guns helps to prevent murders. Someone insults you (or you find someone BEEPing your wife, for example), your blood starts to boil, you quickly run to your car/house/whatever and BOOM, the wanker is dead. Sure, you could do the same with a knife, bat or fists, but at least the other person can defend himself then, maybe run away. If the guns are not there, it becomes increasingly difficult to kill people, especially in a fit of rage. Of course most people can be trusted to use common sense. Yes, most people.

                              I understand that a great deal of the guns "in wrong hands" have been acquired illegally. But still, strict laws do help, a lot. I just suppose guns are so "integrated" to the American culture, so that any stricter laws will just not happen.

