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Forsaken revamps roster, ph33r interview

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  • Forsaken revamps roster, ph33r interview

    Tonight Forsaken has completely revamped their roster, cutting most of the team that lead them to a #8 spot at the CPL and reinstating Funk as leader. While dropping Holden, Euan, BrowN, and Spitzer, team Forsaken has picked up Chan, Lektrik, Mason, Ph33r, Storm, Warden and Kane. Yes, apparently Dave "Kane" Cannon formerly of 3D who helped 3D reach #1 in the world, though his joining is not confirmed. Ph33r, formerly of CAL-i champs GX, agreed to a quick Q&A interview which I have put below.[break="Click for ph33r's interview!"]CS-Nation: What influenced you to join Forsaken after their massive roster overhaul?

    F^ph33r: well im a clanless slut, and basically im gonna try to play with more central people seeing how there is absolutely nothing to do in texas, id know they would be as dedicated as me!

    CS-Nation: Aren't you afraid of team "instability" given the nature of Funk? After all, many teams have come and gone under his power.

    F^ph33r: Well, i joined this team for the team, not for funk's reputation.. i dont really care, if he quits or something, id be glad to take over the clan. But he is a good player.

    CS-Nation: How did you feel with the death of Gamers-X? After all, it was a CAL-invite champion team - how did your choices look in terms of teams to join and why was it narrowed down to Forsaken?

    F^ph33r: GX dying was sorta lame because i had just been in the clan for a week at the time, then problems happend yea... Forsaken seemed the best way for me to go out of all the offers i had, im benefiting most from forsaken.. (a good sponsor and good players)

    CS-Nation: With a star studded roster including a player like Kane onboard, do you feel like you're in better company than GX, a team which had a "difficult sponsor"? What lead to GX's disappointing CPL finish and what about F^ do you think will lead to a better?

    F^ph33r: Well this team is alot more organized than the GX team strat wise, GX consists of really good picking and falling, and hopefully in forsaken i can help with the strats and call ingame, and it was not a "difficult sponsor" for GX, gamers-x corporation is a very nice sponsor, but things happend between a player and the sponsor which lead for GX to die.

    Unfortunately ph33r went away after that, but I plan on getting more out of him as time passes. Stay tuned, as Forsaken is definitely (as if not before) a north american powerhouse.

  • #2
    Nice article! Now GET STEAM at:


    • #3
      bitchin! thanks dude!


      • #4
        That's a whole load of new players


        • #5
          I dont like Funk, he sucks ass with a straw.


          • #6
            holy shit.


            • #7
              ph33r called me a hacker :[
              Yes, apparently Dave "Kane" Cannon formerly of 3D who helped 3D reach #1 in the world


              • #8
                entRo wrote..

                CPL winter 2002?

