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Two Articles

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  • Two Articles has been busy as of late, and now they've updated with two new articles. The first article is written by Jogi and is called Supporting The Developers. The second article is written by Jahonen and is named Professional Fraggers?. They're both very readable. Give 'em a look.

  • #2
    Not too bad.

    I haven't read them yet though. I was talking about n00dles ability to typed more then one sentence!

    I read them now and I like one but not the other.


    • #3
      CS will never gain as much respect as i.e basketball or something in sports. CS is dying and will be forgotten in 5 years, if not less.


      • #4
        I liek sentanses.


        • #5
          I'm pretty sure this guy that wrote the support your developers needs to work and run a business sometime. We are not here to please the developers. Businesses are made to make money, and the only way for them to make money is to please us so we buy it. If we don't buy it, the company doesn't make and money and ceases to exist.


          • #6
            That's almost true. It would be, if people weren't stupid. Blizzard made an assload of money off Diablo2 and the expansion, both of which are a chore to actually play due to the huge amount of nonsensical bugs and imbalances. Starcraft and Warcraft are so full of holes that any script-kiddie could screw up online play. And that's not to mention the pathetic joke the original Diablo was. Blizzard has made a lot of money with online games that have piss-poor online support.

            Several developers have caught on to the fact that you can give consistently sub-standard support if the game idea itself is good enough. CS and Valve do the same thing, doing the bare minimum of what needs to be done. MMORPGS like Everquest i won't even touch with a 10' pole.

            You don't have to get people to like it, you just have to get them to WANT to like it. Dangle the carrot of bugfixes and improvements just close enough and you can abuse the fans that do for a substantial amount of time. It makes for crappy communities because all you end up with are jaded people and idiots who are woefully unqualified to say what is and isn't "quality", but apparently it makes for good sales.


            • #7
              Im really not to impressed with this one. Theres UV errors on the reciever which could probably be noticed ingame, smoothing isnt too good either, and thats not hard to fix at all. and aside from the fact its not UVmapped properly and uses a hacked skin, the rest is ok.

              P.S. how did deadmeat weedle his way into the credits? he didn't skin anything....


              • #8
                Will never replace, although instead of putting exsisting skins on this, he should get a real skinner, i wonder if Snark is aloud in DLCSS.. i know as a prospering skinner, i would die to be let into DLCSS... <sigh>



                • #9
                  Edited by [user="142452"] @ [time="1082190377"]

                  Well, this Sg552 ltself looks very good in HLMV. But this is not the case in game. The scope is way too high, and it looks very odd and blocky. Origin is very bad too, but ajusting is easy. Also, the most terrible part, there is a crazy jump after reload animation. I am not sure about Andeh said because I am not expert about checking skins and smoothing. But Andeh should be right. Anyways, these factors ruins this Sg552, don't believe it? Try it in game, don't rate it right after checking it by HLMV, and u will see it is not that good.


                  • #10
                    Not Bad


                    • #11
                      the skin isnt anything to call your grandma about, and the (smoothing?) errors are really annoying. just look at the hands when you reload or draw the gun. Theres nothing that really stands out, but I cant really recomend anythng else right now.

                      When the default reskin comes out at , get it.


                      • #12
                        quit post whoring, cuntsock

                        the model is nice. i like how you can see the xhairs on the scope from the v_ perspective


                        • #13
                          well, i really don't like the magazine. (since when could you see through them) But i do like the X hairs on the scope, ads a + for realism. Overall its a pretty good skin and model, not bad for the 'ole collection.


                          • #14
                            LOL, cuntsock. That word never gets old.

                            I like the skin, but I don't like the origins so much. And it takes up too much space on screen. The errors are a little annoying too. Note to #7, the Sig actually does use a plastic see-thru magazine, so it is accurate. Anyway, I'd pick something else from the archives myself.


                            • #15
                              Not too bad, but the smoothing could use a little work. I'll keep it around for a backup, but it won't be my primary replacement.

