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2 AWPers

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  • 2 AWPers

    CS Central has posted ch. 6 and ch. 7 in their "Heart of an AWPer" series. A tiny tid-bit from the first one, Oilrig, for you fine gentleman:
    Unmoved by the death of a comrade, the recruit calmly chambered another round and swept for more targets. The sounds of battle had ebbed, leaving the station eerily quiet. The gulls had fled, leaving only the rhythmic creaking of the cranes to break the silence. Then, a single gunshot shattered the calm, and from a doorway a black suited terrorist fell with a wet slap onto steel mesh. Blood dripped from the body, falling into the ocean below.

    747, the second one, can be found right over here. Both Oilrig and 747 are very good. And they both work.

  • #2
    tries too hard :O


    • #3
      this is exciting! i am the 1st to post something....well, the stories are really good, just to say the least. check em out.


      • #4
        Tries too hard? Read his stories, I think they're worth the read plus plus.


        • #5
          Do the rest of the terrorists die every mission? Oh well, it's a good read anyways.


          • #6
            Edited by [user="11209"] @ [time="1021430231"]

            Why in gods name does he have to shoot and kill his own team!?!??!


            • #7
              Edited by [user="15681"] @ [time="1021434868"]

              I really love these stories. = ) I thought oilrig was really good, but the ending was a bit too brutal for my taste. I realize the recruit has been severly damaged emotionally, but it just seems perverted for a person to enjoy killing. If I were him, I'd probably whisper "I'm sorry" to the traitor right before slitting his throat. No matter how evil (or whatever) the enemy is, I can't see myself not having mercy on him/her. Let God deal with their punishment.


              I agree, this guy really needs to work on NOT killing all his teammates. I don't care how many enemies he's capable of eliminating, he's useless if he can't control his own destruction.


              • #8
                I read the last half of the oilrig one.

                Jesus Christ.


                • #9
                  Nice tho.

                  Good writing and it's fairly consistent...

                  Do you think in Aztec he gets punished for tk?


                  • #10
                    On aztec he probalby gets struct by lightning as, ""The Recruit" was struck down by admin Common Decency's wrath". I think I'll go ahead and read the oilrig one just so people can't be like "Well it's good writing". The summaries posted here are always horribly graphic and make me wonder as to why this person is still allowed to breathe air? I want to read the one where he dies though. I'm hoping he gets tmped from extreme range by a CT or shot in the back by a T.

                    Added @ [time="1021503372"]

                    Well I just read only one paragraph. The guy shot everything off so it was just a torso? HIGHLY REALISTIC. It's disgustingly gory but it's not even realisticly gory. He seems to just be going for absolute vile crap for the sake of it.


                    • #11
                      Dude. AWP.

                      Think about it.


                      • #12
                        its good writing but if it was me i'd be like "punishtk"

                        all the way!!! And BTW, AWP WHORE!!!


                        • #13
                          quality read.

