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  • #16
    at least spell THE right.. jebus


    • #17
      m|+u355 w'/ q<-|2|=3<+10u


      • #18
        1 RE@LLY c@|\|'T U5e l3e+ 5P34|< 51|\|c3 r34llY i US3 4 l3e+ SP3@K G3|\|er@+0R.. wELl |-|eRe5 4 $T0rY:

        T|-|e L1lYP@d

        Fr3D +e|-| Phr09 $@+ 0n |-|15 Ol|) |\/|US|-|ROom, \/3rY +1r3d oPh |-|15 sURR0U|\||)iNG5. |-|3 \/\/15|-|3D ph0r 4 |\|3\/\/ hO|\/|e; bUT |-|e C0uL|) +|-|I|\||< 0f |\|0|\|E 8e+ter t|-|@|\| hI$ |\/|u$|-|R00|\/|.

        o|\|E D4Y, @ TuRtle w4L|<3|) 5lo\/\/LY 8Y hI$ MUs|-|R00m. frE|) s4\/\/ T|-|I5 45 @ CH4|\|ce F0r +R4\/3L, 5O HE ju|\/|pE|) O|\| tEH TUr+Le'5 B4c|<. wH1lE 0N +h3 tUR+l3'5 B4Ck pHRe|) $4w |\/|4|\|Y Ne\/\/ Thing$. |-|E $4W @ 9I4|\|+, REd Flo\/\/3r, @ |-|U9E Tre3, 4|\||) m4NY d1fFEr3|\|T a|\|I|\/|@Ls.

        Fre|) \/\/atc|-|3d T|-|e 5Kw1RR3L re+Urn1|\|G TO |-|3R |-|0Me 1|\| +|-|3 B0UGh 0pH te|-| |-|UGe +R3E. "iT |-|a$ @ VERy |\|iCe \/1e\/\/," +H0U9|-|t FRE|), "BuT I 8et +H@+ cL1|\/|b \/\/0UL|) geT 0L|) |)4Y 4FTer |)4Y." fRe|) |)eC1dE|) +haT 4 +r33 |-|0u5e \/\/@5 |\|0+ pHOR |-|iM.

        Phr3|) |\|0t1c3D 4 |\|1cE \/\/0r|\/| l0o|<i|\|G up 4T Th3 +uR+l3 PHR0M |-|15 |-|Ole. +|-|E \/\/0rm'5 HoLe l00kE|) c0n\/En13NT, No CLi|\/|B1n9 A +R3e to GE+ tO |-|i$ fR0n+ D00R. "I |)O|\|'T +Hi|\||< 1'D phIT 1N tH@T KI|\||) 0PH |-|0L3 +hOUG|-|," |\/|usE|) FRe|), "i'm W@y +o0 bIg."

        fr3|) +UR|\|3|) 4Rou|\||) 0n T3H +ur+L3 tO \/\/@+Ch ThE r4bbIT$ Pl@y1|\|9 0U+51|)3 T|-|3iR w@RREn. "NOw +h4+ i5 5pAC1ou5 4n|) 3@5Y to gE+ T0," Fre|) 085er\/E|). u|\|phORTU|\|4t3ly, \/\/|-|1l3 fR3d lOv3d T0 ha\/e vI5Itor5, H3 d1|) |\|0+ RE4LLy \/\/@|\|+ R00|\/||\/|4+E5. A R@8b1+ \/\/@rRen \/\/@s dEPH1n1+ELy No+ +e|-| Pl@c3 phOr FR3D.

        L4+Er t|-|@t |)4Y T3H tUR+l3 c@|\/|3 TO t|-|3 EDg3 OPh 4 |-|ug3 p0|\||). 1|\| te|-| |\/|1|)|)LE 0F +|-|3 POnd L@y M@nY lilyp@|)S. "\/\/|-|4+ a 9r34T |-|O|\/|E +|-|aT \/\/0UlD BE," +h0UgHt PHR3D, "1F 0NlY 1 cOUlD R3@C|-| +h3m." fRED 5@w 4 V3Ry l@R93 (4|\||) \/3RY Hu|\|GrY l0O|<1|\|9) f1$h 5\/\/1|\/|mi|\|G 4L0|\|G +H3 5hOr3. "I+ |\/|I9|-|t 8e fR1en|)LY," T|-|0UG|-|T Phr3|), "8U+ +|-|3|\| @gA1|\|, I+ |\/|19|-|+ B3 |-|un9ry fOR 50|\/|E fr0g Le9$!"

        +h3 +UrTL3 $+4Rt3d To gO 1nT0 Te|-| P0n|), S0 phr3|) JUMP3d 0FF HIS b4cK. PhrEd L0O|<ed out 4cR055 +3|-| P0nD +ry1|\|9 +0 5Ee @ \/\/4y t0 RE4C|-| +|-|3 LilYp4dS. @$ FReD 5CANN3|) +he aR34 HE n0+iceD @ 5n@|<3 CR3EPI|\|g uP 0|\| 4|\| u|\|pr0TeCt3|) bIR|)'$ N3$+ fUll OPh C|-|1c|<5. "i |\/|UST $a\/E t|-|3|\/|," t|-|0U9|-|T fR3|), "but |-|Ow?"

        PHREd |\|o+IC3D +|-|@+ 480\/e +3|-| SN4|<E |-|u|\|9 4 L4r9e, juicY p34cH. "IpH 1 c0ul|) r3@cH tH@+ p3@C|-|," Co|\|S1|)3ReD pHRe|), "I mI9hT 8e 4Ble +o |)Rop 1T on th4t $|\|4K3." PHR3|) H0pPe|) KWIc|<lY +0 Th3 Tr3E @n|) bE94|\| +0 ClimB. OnCe FR3|) R3ac|-|e|) The P34cH, +|-|3 5N@K3 W@5 |)1REc+LY b3Low 1t. Fr3|) |<|\|0c|<Ed +|-|3 p34c|-| 0PHPH OF Th3 l1mB.

        T|-|E p3@C|-|'$ w319|-|+ |-|4|) 8Ee|\| PULL1N9 t|-|3 LIMb D0\/\/|\|, 50 \/\/|-|e|\| Fr3D |<|\|OCk3d iT 0PHPH, T|-|e LImB fle\/\/ uP In +hE 4iR |-|urLiNg fRed T0 t|-|3 c3|\|+eR 0Ph T3|-| pon|). FREd loo|<3|) B4c|<, T3|-| sn@|<e w@s |-|URRy1NG 84c|< 1|\|+0 t|-|3 R3Ed$ ($|\|4|<35 4R3 N0+ fONd 0F PHlY1|\|9 P34c|-|35.) pHR3|) L4|\||)ED \/\/1+h @ loud PL0p! |-|e W4$ $1Tt1Ng 0|\| o|\|3 0f +E|-| liLYpA|)s. "1 t|-|I|\|K 1'll 5tAy |-|3re," 4|\||\|0unc3|) PHr3|), "t|-|1$ i5 4 PErfECt |-|0|\/|E." |-|E l1\/3d t|-|er3 h@Ppily e\/3R 4F+3R.

        $TORy CRE@TED bY ER1c 0\/\/eN.


        • #19
          Edited by [user="26004"] @ [time="1021164926"]

          uhh...english CrazyNewbieGuy would REALLY help us to unterstand what you're saying


          • #20
            for god sakes newbie please use the normal l337 speak next time, hardcore l337 speak is way to time consuming to read.


            • #21
              "they're TRAINING"

              This is so pathetic, everyone's trying to force cs as a sport.

              They aren't training, jesus christ, they're playing.

              so pathetic.


              • #22
                oh my god, i actually read and understood that story...


                • #23
                  cheetarah654 wrote..

                  oh my god, i actually read and understood that story...
                  dont worry, youre not alone... i did. so, you and i are alone.. oh well.

                  Added @ [time="1021202326"]

                  My lazy ass just got around to downloading the demos... I get a better download speed from their servers then fileplanets. Oooh, the hatred I feel.


                  • #24
                    I am a chinese csers. I'd like to talk with all of you. e-mail to me!


