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Clan Mod 1.71

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  • Clan Mod 1.71

    United Admins, probably the first server admin website to run off of a Windows system, has posted a new version of Clan Mod: 1.71. What's changed?
    • fixed: cm crashing on win32 servers.

    • fixed: order of admins in cm_admins (now order doesn't matter).

    • added: added new flag "b" which kicks player with this flag regardless of password or other rights.

    • fixed: admins from cm_admin get highest level of rights from all entries which match.

    • added: descriptions for admins (cm_admin) and shows them in admin menu: cm_admin "nick/ip/steamid/wonid" "password" "level+flags" "desc"

    • added: public admin support (cm_admin): cm_admin "*" "*" "all_get_these_flags"

    • added: descriptions for maps (cm_map): cm_map

    • added: logging of bans and kicks done from the menu to the hlds logs.

    • changed: all max values for maps, admins, aliases, etc changed to 1024.

    • fixed: admins with the j flag now get the correct menu with the "clanmodmenu" command and not the informational menu.

    • fixed: highlander functions properly now.

    • fixed: free and reserved slots function properly now.
    Grab it from United Admins. Remember, you must be registered.

  • #2
    Edited by [user="1322"] @ [time="1020922222"]

    best news since i heard gorktik wuz leaving! OMG LOL I'M SO FUNNY LOOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!


    • #3
      um no..


      • #4
        Uh this sux whenever i shoot hostages i lose money

        a half dead hostage is as good as a living one so why do i lose money

        and why can't i move the hostages

        i would like to move the hostages especially when the cts are running away with them

        i hate how the hostages always shake their heads at me

        i must shoot them

        why do i lose money



        • #5
          Stop shooting/moving the hosties then. ARG STOP USING !!!!!


          • #6
            But they keep twitching... who couldn't help but shoot them and take out their kneecaps with knives


            • #7
              Hmmm, I have to agree with PK0rZ on this one. Hostage's must be injured if they want to be true hosties. They shake their heads because they have Turrets Syndrome.


              • #8
                i used to injure them to 1 hp but now this is gay....

                to injure to one hp you......

                2 slices with the knife to the chest.....

                1 slice with the knife to the foot.....

                and no i didnt figure it out myself a friend told me so people might allready know this


                • #9
                  I think thats why they did it...


                  • #10
                    comment #9

                    i take up space

                    space is taken ..................................................

                    the only reason i am a terror on cs_italy is to mess with the hostages and hide them inweird places, why take the fun out of being a T


                    • #11
                      "If men could see us [women] as we really are, they'll be a little amazed; but the cleverest, the acutest men are often under an illusion about women: they do not read them in a true light: they misapprehend them, both for good and for evil; their good woman is a queer thing half doll, half angle; their bad woman is almost always a fiend." (Bronte 131). This quote describes Hemingway's interpretation of woman precisely, both his "bad" woman and his "good" woman, except one, Catherine Barkley. She is a woman that at first seems like the stereotypical "good girl" but evolves into so much more. Through an evaluation of Catherine Barkley and the symbolism she introduced into the reader's mind, it is clear that she is both the code hero and the drive of the story line of A Farewell to Arms.

                      A Farewell to Arms is broken into five books, both by Hemingway and partly by Catherine. She does this by her appearances and her effect on Fredrick. The first book is over shortly after Fredrick Henry, love interest of Catherine and main character of the novel, meets Catherine and then goes to battle and is wounded. When he is sent to the hospital in Southern Italy, he is wishing in the back of his mind that that Catherine will be transferred there shortly after, she arrives. This book is arguably the most important in regards to their relationship. In book three his wound is healed and he is sent back to the village and does not mention Catharine's pregnancy to Ranaldi. This indicator that he is still "using" her in his own mind and dose not care about or accept their future. His strong resentment to Ranaldi's wit about Fredrick and Catherine being married seams to be an especially sensitive subject. In book four and five Catherine is featured predominately and the story turns almost exclusively into a love story, ending in an early bittersweet tragedy.

                      Critics and scholars of Hemingway generally all agree that certain heroes, or character templates, apply to certain characters in nearly all of his works. There are generally two types of heroes in his novels, and A Farewell to Arms is no exception. One such hero is the Hemingway hero who shares many of the life experiences of the author. The other is the code hero who in many ways plays opposite to the Hemingway difficulties and cruelties of life and has found ways to cope. The Hemingway hero is almost without a doubt Henry in A farewell to Arms. The code is not easily agreed upon. Characters that do not have major roles are possibilities such as Dr. Valentini, the competent and good-humored surgeon who decides and does operate on Fredric's knee. It could possibly be Count Greffi who treats Henry almost as a son. These characters do share some characteristics of the code hero but lack the depth of a true code hero. The priest shows many of the attributes of a code hero with his interesting ways of dealing with the "priest bating." Even more supportive on the priest being the code is Fredrick's absence in the mocking of the priest, even if it maybe good hearted at root. The priest's shortfall the status of the code hero is Fredrick's failure to go visit his family in Abruzz. Ranaldi is a very strong candidate for being the code hero because Henry shares a special bond with him and Ranaldi treats him as next of kin. In the first book, one would assume that Ranaldi is undoubtedly the code hero. Unfortunately for Ranaldi, when Henry returns from the south, Ranaldi is not the man he once was. Someone who was once carefree and vibrant is only a shell what he once was. Assuming from the clues Hemingway has given, Ranaldi is syphilitic and quite possibly alcoholic. His last and brief appearance seals his fate from not being a code hero when he says he only likes two things in life: "One is bad for my work and the other is over [in] half and hour or fifteen minutes, sometimes less"(133). These two negative traits go against the ideal of the code hero. Showing both weak character and a failure to cope with life in a positive manor. This leaves only one option for who could be the code. Catherine is not only a strong and fully realized character; she is the one character in this novel who exemplifies in the widest range of honor and courage, the grace under pressure that have come to be known as the "Hemingway Code" (not to be confused with the Hemingway hero). Her peril is to teach Fredrick by example how to survive in a hostile and chaotic world in which an individual can live threw a most limited autonomy – through scrupulous adherence to roles and rituals of one's own devising. She is the code hero of this novel if anyone is. (Spainer 132). Catherine has the high points of both the priest and Ranaldi, the love and service of the old hierophant and the cynicism and the good humorness of early Ranaldi. "From the moment she pulls herself together and defines the perimeters of her own existence, Catherine exemplifies the Hemingway code [hero]." This is one example of her certain Hemingway scholars are so sure of her being code (Spainer 135).

                      Through out the novel, Fredrick thinks that he is using Catherine. This is not true, in fact it is quite the opposite, at least in the beginning of their tragic romance. He believes that she is oblivious to the fact that he is using her for his own pleasure. She is fully aware of this and is using him to fill a void left by her fiancé. She finds Fredrick's late night visits disrespectful but she goes along willingly regardless. Later on it becomes evident why she allows this when confesses to him that she regrets not sleeping with her deceased fiancé. If their affair went on the course that it started, it would surely have been short lived, but what is saddest about their affair is that they give into the fantasy. Fredrick becomes her deceased fiancé in her mind and Fredric embraces the role. In this transformation Fredrick becomes more like her by the time he narrates the story, this is evident by the way he recollects past experiences. Some critics actually respect Hemingway's take on women to a degree but not for Catherine because they cite that she is too submissive and manipulative at the same time.

                      A Farewell to Arms is a novel with little symbolism compared to other works, but one very strong beacon of it is in Hemingway's use of rain. The idea of the rain being symbolic is imposed into the readers mind by Catherine when she tells of her fear of her or someone she knows dying or being found dead in it. This makes an otherwise small detail take new weight, such as; "Good and bad weather go along with good and bad moods and events. It is not just that, like everyone, the characters respond emotionally to conditions of atmosphere, light and so on, but that there is correspondence these things and their fate" (Young 40). To Henry, Catherine's vision of herself dead in the rain is meaningless because of his disbelief in signs. She in fact dies in the rain, glancing back at the end, one sees that a short, introductory scene at the very start of the book presented an ominous conjunction of images – rain, pregnancy and death – which sets the mood for the novel. Rain acts as bookends to the novel, bringing it in with the buity and ending it with remorse.

                      With her complex and at times dumbfounding psyche, Catherine proves herself, and to Hemingway, that there is more to women in Hemingway's novels than before. With her manipulative and at times deceiving actions towards Fredrick and the weighty symbolism that is introduced by her, she proves to be much more.

