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BETA Servers

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  • BETA Servers

    Valve Software has release BETA (test) HLDS updates. Check below for download locations. You only need this if you run a server.
      hlds for linux

    • fixed server using 64 mb more memory than it needed to.

    • added -pingboost command line parameter. currently supports two different methods ('-pingboost 1' or '-pingboost 2'). only one method can be active. method 2 is the same method used in the old 3108 hlds_run_test beta build. method 1 is a new method. these may not work well (or at all) on some os environments.

      hlds_run script

    • added "-debug" flag to automagically run gdb and pull out useful info.

    • quits script on "quit" from console, restarts on crash (via "-

      restart" flag).


    • fixed incorrect wonids/steamids in logs.

    • fixed 'undefined symbol: __strtouq_internal' on some linux systems.

    • fixed sv_allowdownload being required to be set to 1 for clients to connect to secure servers.

    • fixed segmentation fault on some linux systems when attempting to run in secure mode.

    • fixed 'bad address type' fatal error on servers that attempt to run in secure mode but have no dns resolution.

    • fixed dropclient messages for steam clients who were banned or have a duplicate steam id to properly show the steamid of the client.

    • added logging of the anti-cheat system catching and kicking detected cheats.

    • added logging of "kick" commands.

    • added logging of "banid" commands.


    • fixed hltv reporting wrong spectator numbers if connection to server was pending.

    • fixed "multicast 1" not working if it was issued before hltv connected to game server.

    • added "serverversion", can be set to '1108' to view/re-record old demos.

    • added new debug message for mod makers if a packet couldn't be parsed correctly.

    • fixed relay proxies reporting wrong spectator/slots numbers in multiplayer/lan menu.

    • changed error message if clients try to download missing resources to be more helpful.


    • restored "mp_fadetoblack" server variable for cs.

    • fixed dmc powerup bug where the invisibility ring would make people glow red.
    Linux and Windows (HLDS, not HL related) are available from FilePlanet. They're only a few megabytes each.

  • #2


    • #3
      this sounds kinda good.. to bad i cant create a game... i have a router with a built-in firewall.... so if anyone tries to find me, well then you wont


      • #4
        If valve managed to get every1 onto the steam system by the next update then the cheating could be solved overnight.

        The way i see it is new cheat gets released valve catches it and implents fix into steam without any patching catching the cheater and banning him/her from CS. The cheat wont have a clue that valve will patch the cheat as they wont download anything!

        what do u guys think?


        • #5
          And wheres the Valve anti cheat?

          » Added logging of the anti-cheat system catching and kicking detected cheats.

          This cant stop cheaters with the default anti-cheat technology in *.1.0.9 patches...

          Added @ [time="1020799778"]

          [5SI]Kappy wrote..

          If valve managed to get every1 onto the steam system by the next update then the cheating could be solved overnight.

          The way i see it is new cheat gets released valve catches it and implents fix into steam without any patching catching the cheater and banning him/her from CS. The cheat wont have a clue that valve will patch the cheat as they wont download anything!

          what do u guys think?
          Steam can be good, to update the anti-cheat system, but its only good for users with broadband. I'll get cable net in a month, so i can start use it.

          But what will happen if they starting release 1.5 betas? Steam will update to that, and we cant use it on 1.4 servers.


          • #6
            Valve seem to have this funny idea that releasing parts of its anti-cheat network at a time is gona work. So far they have released about 20% of it which was supposed to deal with Hooks but ogc managed to work its way round this very simply. The fact is that valve can fix this problem very simply but they tend to take their sweet arse time about it cause they have to test everything a 1000 times over. An anti-cheat tool such as CD could release a patch for the anti-cheat tool the same day and soesnt get hacked often.

            Another point slightly off the topic is that y didnt valve work with CD an already well established anti-cheat tool which works instead of halting the development of all anti-cheat software and releasing half patch version of its own protections against cheats which dont work to be frank.

            Also on another point cause i like to speak a lot about this issue is that valve said it would ban all cheaters caught. TBH if valve caught 25% of cheaters this would put many cheaters off cheating otherwise they need to get hold of another won id by either buying or stealing one but i wont go into that. Valve had a system in place that took the cheat to a webste that asked him politely not to cheat how dumb and supid is that! plz dont cheat, im sorry but that doesnt halt any1 from cheating infact i bet most of the cheaters have a good giggle at that website, and continue to be ignorant cheats speedhacking and being as blatantly obvious as b4.

            BTW for ppl that think that cheating is not as wide spread as b4 then they couldnt be more wrong its spreading faster that the other patches and each time a patch is realeased the cheats get better with things like servers crashes and faster speed hacks. I managed to find over 40 cheats on 1 main cheating site which wouldnt take a n00b long to find.

            On another point any1 can install a cheat these days and cheats dont care if they get caught using them cause they enjoy running from the amins. Its like when ya a kid an running from the police its a little rush for the ******* well ive had my bit to say now.


            • #7
              Valve anti-cheat is not working.

              I didn't find any news on the paladin site in the last 3 months.

              On the CD site i found this: "We are not sure if a CS 1.4 / HL version of C-D will be necessary."

              CSG cant catch the new ogchook. If HLGuard will be based on csg, i think it still cant find the ogchook with thoose limitations.

              cheaters won in 1.4


              • #8
                how do you have time to read that?

                i cant ever find time to read all that


                • #9
                  -3RIC- wrote..

                  how do you have time to read that?

                  i cant ever find time to read all that
                  I don't have other things to do this night


                  • #10
                    FLeK0, cheaters haven't won, the community hasn't even begun to fight back, as valve hasn't put out its anti-cheat. Consider them dead in 2 weeks, is my guess.


                    • #11
                      -3RIC- wrote..

                      this sounds kinda good.. to bad i cant create a game... i have a router with a built-in firewall.... so if anyone tries to find me, well then you wont
                      2 words



                      Added @ [time="1020808279"]

                      PS i am friends with some people on the UA team and the latest non public release of CSG does detect the latest OGC. Also the latest public CSG with latest configs can detect OGC8 (latest OGC) if the person is using autoaim/autoshoot. But they can still wallhack and use a different auto aim method but its not quite as bad as the autoaim/autoshoot feature. And 75% of cheaters still have traces of older verions of OGC on there system, and you can bet CSG picks that up. I still see people getting busted for OGC 4!

                      Cheating is not near as bad as it was several months ago. I couldnt even play on pubs at one point without running into 1 or more hackers, these days most good servers are pretty much cheat free. And the ones that slip by are quickly banned by the admins.


                      • #12
                        FLeK0 wrote..

                        -3RIC- wrote..

                        how do you have time to read that?

                        i cant ever find time to read all that

                        I don't have other things to do this night
                        i hate when that happends.. but then cs pops up into my mind


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Sad very sad


                            • #15
                              I think that Valve is doing the best job that it can to eliminate cheating. It is obviously going through many test stages, as necessary in almost any software, to make sure that it works as intended. It is very important to make sure that the anti-cheat system both works effectively but does not unnecessarily ban or otherwise punish non-cheaters, which are by far the majority of players. I am glad Valve decided to take a non-partisan position by not promoting any specific anti-cheat software and develop their won system to best correspond with their own code. They are also assisting current anti-cheat communities by providing beta server releases, and the current anti-cheat communities have been encouraged to continue development of their products.

                              Also, I am glad to see that Valve is dedicated to updating its programs and adding features. Cheaters will always exist in some form, as they do in almost every realm of human life. All the rest of us can do is make rules to combat them and to make anti-cheat systems.

                              Again, as always, good job Valve and we all look forward to each coming release and with the best of luck in your development as we continue in ours.

