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CSBot Remote RCon

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  • CSBot Remote RCon

    An early version of CSBot has been released for testing. This version allows you to issue rcon commands to the server via IRC, echo TKs to the channel, and let server players and IRC users communicate. This release only works with the HLDS_L (Linux) servers. Snag it right here.

  • #2
    i like the idea of being able to chat with those in irc.


    • #3
       Y0u D0 nO+ h@V3 tO BE @ W1z4Rd t0 Le@R|\| TO WR1+3 3><C3LL3|\|+ ph1\/3-par4gr4p|-| 3$5Ay5. j00 |)o n3e|) 50mE b4sIc 5|<1lL A|\||) pr4Ct1ce. @T th15 5it3, J00 \/\/ILL f1nd +|-|E 1|\|F0r|\/|4+iO|\| J00 |\|33|) +0 l34rn H0\/\/ tO WRi+E +|-|E e$54Y a5 \/\/ELL 4$ $o|\/|3 \/\/RIt1NG pRO|\/|P+$ t0 H3lP J00 D3v3l0P $|<ILL. w1TH 4 L1TTL3 81+ Of 3fPH0RT, J00 \/\/ILl Cr34TE yOUR 0\/\/nzoR wRI+te|\| \/\/IZ4R|)Ry.

           83c4u53 +3|-| PH1\/e-p4r4gRaPH 3$5@Y 15 4 c|-|0SE|\| VE|-|ICL3 F0R |\/|34$ur1n9 A 5tu|)3nt'$ \/\/R1+1|\|9 pr0pH1CI3|\|cY, 1T I5 3$5en+1Al tHAt 34Ch |\/|@5T3r tH15 P@TtER|\|e|) PH0r|\/|4T \/\/Ri+1Ng to 5c0r3 \/\/3LL. 45 P4Rt Of Th4+ P@tter|\|3|) PR0c35S, +3|-| $+Ud3|\|+ NEED5 +0 |)3VeLOp 5PeC1fIc ThI|\|KI|\|g 4n|) 0Rg@|\|1Z4TI0|\|4l P@Tt3R|\|5 +H@+ \/\/ILl 41|) In T3h +1|\/|e|) CRE4t1O|\| 0Ph 4N e55@y +H@t 5T@+e @Nd 0+|-|ER +e5+1nG I5 |)E|\/|4|\||)I|\|9. T0 |-|3lp T3h +e4c|-|3R 4|\||) +0 4i|) th3 5tu|)e|\|t +0 $uCceE|) 1|\| +|-|I$ F0R|\/| oPH WR1+1nG i$ +He PuRP05e OF T|-|15 sit3.

           PRopH1CIe|\|cY i|\| \/\/R1+1ng T3|-| Fi\/e-P@R@gR4P|-| E$S@Y 1S noT O|\|lY I|\/|POrt4|\|+ +0 p@55 THe t35T, 1+ I5 AN E553|\|tI4l Ph1R5+-t0OL-b@$Ic F0R re$3@RC|-| p@peR$ foR 4ll L3\/els oPH $CH00l1|\|9, @|\||) 4 5i|\/|Pl1F13d |\/|4I|\|5t4Y 84S1C 1n wRI+inG REPoR+5 W1+hi|\| +h3 PROph3$510nAL \/\/ORLd. |\/|45+er1|\|g +|-|1$ For|\/| I5 4 pHir5t 5T3P +0 5UcC3$5.


      • #4
        ok crazy newbie guy you need to get a life k thnx lol btw this csbot thing is awesome you gotta try it out


        • #5
          crazynewbieguy... get normal

          *Muffinman switched name to -3RIC-*


          • #6
            crazy used an IRC scipt to do that... other wise i hope no one has that much time on their hands


            • #7
              na too much time on ones hand


              • #8
                to make life easier use an irc script next time =p


                • #9
                  Na i used the l337 script in my site


                  • #10
                    I have that 1337 script thing, its weird. Whoever made it, thats just... TOO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS! *laughs*

