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draftees q&a

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  • draftees q&a

    Interested in the CAL draft? If so, Exo has slapped up Q&A's with the draftees. Various eSports site asked the draftees questions. While there weren't that many, all that were asked have been posted right here.
    muiy: How do the 3D members feel about having your whole starting lineup taken in the first seven picks?

    [3D]-Ksharp: Obviously.. it's pretty cool.

    [3D]-Rambo: It was kind of expected, since 3d was focused on recruiting the best players possible.
    Check it out. Obviously this is for your eSports gurus who haven't read the logs elsewhere, other people probably won't care.

    In related news, our CAL Draft team rosters have been updated with Rambo's big trade. Valor has traded Rambo and their upcoming 11th draft pick with Infinite Impact's Zilla and synthetic. Infinite Impact, or i2, now has two big 3D super-stars: Ksharp (Miller) and Rambo (Kim).

  • #2
    Edited by [user="1738"] @ [time="1019534406"]

    This isn't a cs-nation update! I blocked stuff about clans and tournaments to get away from this. *cries* I demand an apology! I'll be a paying customer if I ever have surplus $5 and I'm not starving to death.


    • #3
      this isn't a "clans" post.

      Added @ [time="1019534873"]

      i wish there was a cal draft for sucky players. like me.


      • #4
        Excuuuuse me, but I had many more good questions such as "Which type of cheese do you like best?" I demand to know why these were not included!

        (I really didn't ask that)


        • #5
          THS wrote..

          This isn't a cs-nation update! I blocked stuff about clans and tournaments to get away from this. *cries* I demand an apology! I'll be a paying customer if I ever have surplus $5 and I'm not starving to death.
          I understand, but categorizing CSN updates would make them get ignored by a lot of our readers: not a good thing. Your whining is somewhat merited, I guess, but all you have to do is scroll past it


          • #6
            Edited by [user="11209"] @ [time="1019537177"]

            Yay clans!!!

            Goo exo and scroll.. the man train team!!!

            You both ask questions until the orgasm of clan players gave you answers


            • #7
              I am cheering for Red Legion simply due to it's name and Da Bears.


              • #8
                wah wah THS :P

                when will the matches and stuff be starting for the CAL draft stuff, like i want to like watch all the stuff and other stuff they will have


                • #9
                  Edited by [user="20894"] @ [time="1019552459"]

                  I should have been recruited into 3D as I can whip there asses anyday
                  THS wrote..

                  This isn't a cs-nation update! I blocked stuff about clans and tournaments to get away from this.
                  Thats what I do as that stuff is bullshit to me and no one cares. LOL I like rizzuh's sneaky attempt to get that stuff to appear on peoples pages who had clan stuff disabled. N1

                  Sorry 1 more quote
                  rizzuh wrote..

                  I understand, but categorizing CSN updates would make them get ignored by a lot of our readers: not a good thing. Your whining is somewhat merited, I guess, but all you have to do is scroll past it
                  and why do alot of readers ignore thses kind of updates? Because they are unimportant. I think they should be put into the right categories and the people who are intersted will read it and the people who are not will not. Simple!

                  Oh and btw to all of you who voted "Interesting" on the new poll..... *tisk* *tisk* XD


                  • #10
                    I spent aproximatly 60 hours on this article if you can't accept that then fku.


                    • #11
                      Exo wrote..

                      I spent aproximatly 60 hours on this article if you can't accept that then fku.
                      wow i never thought anyone was so "sad" and I use that term lightly, to spend so much time on something that is so obvious that no one cares about. Its beyond me...


                      • #12
                        Edited by [user="2325"] @ [time="1019564795"]

                        Quite a few people care about this, moron. Most of the ones that do go and read it instead of posting some worthelss bullshit post here about how much they hate clan news.


                        • #13

                          Did any of you (in the U.K) ever watch Liquid News on BBC and BBC Choice?

                          well, Christoper Price, that rather charming and charismatic personality that hosted it, was found dead at his home yesterday.

                          No further details available

                          me cries :[

                          Go here for more.



                          • #14
                            Andson wrote..

                            and why do alot of readers ignore thses kind of updates? Because they are unimportant. I think they should be put into the right categories and the people who are intersted will read it and the people who are not will not. Simple!

                            Oh and btw to all of you who voted "Interesting" on the new poll..... *tisk* *tisk* XD
                            I do that because we're CS-Nation and you're looking at CS-Nation and you might as well see the CS-Nation updates. A CSN article isn't the same as's articles because we are posting about our own content ourselves.

                            To us, we're more important than them because we're us and not them.


                            • #15
                              Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide

                              No escape from reality. Open your eyes . Look up to the skies and see.

                              I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy Because I'm easy come, easy go. A little high, little low. Anyway the wind blows... doesn't really matter to me..... to me...

