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CS 1.4 changelog

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  • I reckon it's all good. I really like how the dead bodies will stay on the ground, that'll be cool. I think they shouldn't have taken out how you can hear the enemy radio calls. I think the more realistic it is the better, just my thought.


    • puffycloud wrote..

      ALL skilled CS players are saying the same ... the new gameplay SUCKS ... the rythm in the game is DEAD ... We"ll see what will happen but i sense a large part of the SKILLED cs community will either play older beta's again or shift to another game or even worse just quit the scene...

      If by ``SKILLED'' community you mean the bunnyhoppers who jump with the DE and accuse anyone who kills them of cheating, then I do hope they shift to something else. ``SKILLED'' players are the ones making the game not fun. Too many people are worried about killing everyone on the other team and not carrying out the objectives, while whining about how their score sucks when they die a few times.
      FFS watch my 'bomb' demo ... it's just a small example of things separating the noobz from the rest ... knowing the game 100%, knowing every spot and usefull thing to WIN the game - instead of just jumping and strafing ... i NEVER said i jumped all the time or whatever ... i just showed to you in the demo what kind of things you will not be able to do ...

      know i'ts just planting on the red cross on the floor have fun ... pathetic whiner ... in CS1.3 and lower people had to find the bomb first ... now it's kill first and then walk to the cross on the floor and defuse...


      • so you get killed then ?


        • It's better to plant in an open area anyways... since you can guard the spot from further away instead of standing next to the bomb hoping "You can get away in time" (if your a t of course) I'd say CT's will have to be extra careful defusing as of 1.4! hehe


          • kmatrix - cs is just a mod. It is a folder in your HL directory. Just install 1.4 to a folder that isnt called cstrike, and whichever version you want to play, call THAT verion's folder cstrike for the time you want to play for. (For those that know, I know you don't HAVE to do it that way but it's easiest.)

            Um alot of pointless bickering going on, no new points said at all since page 6 when I last posted, ah well.

            Oh one thing - people equate quake-style games with no teamplay. All I can say clearly never played it and are just repeating what someone else heard. Just because the teamplay isn't forced down your throat the way it is in CS, it is still most definitely there in deathmatch team games.

            /me remembers 4v4 Quake games on androm9...those were the days...before the newbies REALLY started to kick in in first person shooters.


            • why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends, la la la la la la la la la la.

              hehe geez people really get worked up about this stuff huh?

              it's a game ladies and gents, just a game.

              I honestly think we, as a cs community, need to stop being assholes to each other. We all have at least one thing in common, CS. The game is a whole lot more enjoyable when the people you play against aren't pricks.

              Now that we have a new update to CS, lets all start acting a little more mature and respect each other. Please, if you dont like 1.4, just quit playing and don't ruin the game by spamming what you think valve should do to themselves. It ruins the experience for those who are trying to enjoy the game.


              • The_Mad_Juggalo wrote..

                Its really humorous how arrogant our race is. You have these people that are spoon fed their lives to them from the day they were nurtured out of a hospital bed(including me) and they take almost every aspect of their lives AS THE WAY THINGS SHOULD BE. Sitting down in front of a computer and controlling everything that happens does not take away from this, and personifies some people into the very epideme of selfishness and arrogance...
                Thank you very much, Professor. Who are you, the savior of the human race? You sound like a guy who forgot to take his Prozac. Go ahead believing everyone around you is self-indulgent, just don't make me read your shitty vitriol.


                • hey mans hi =)

                  Russian 4orever!!

                  all of you real bots =)



                  CS rylezzz

                  ultima online Rylezzz



                  • anyone of you know how to use the "+use attack? also known here as the "power E"?


                    • i have been play this 1.4 for 2 days now and it so suck. Can anyone try to fix this stupid lagging. This is so bad and it piss me off too much


                      • i want it NOW


                        • Thank you very much, Professor. Who are you, the savior of the human race? You sound like a guy who forgot to take his Prozac. Go ahead believing everyone around you is self-indulgent, just don't make me read your shitty vitriol.I am someone with eyes that work. I do not believe everybody around me is self-indulgent, I believe that a large majority of people take their very existence for granted. Also, if you had read my post seriously instead of in a capricious manner, you would taken note on the fact that i said some people are like this, not all. Just as there are a large amount of people who quibble in a childish manner when unable to produce original thought during confrontation.

                          How would you react if on the morrow you couldn't access a computer? The government had placed a death sentence on you if you touched a keyboard.

                          When man first evolved into what are now his ancient origins confrontations were brief, and man had no illusions about what he considered his rights. His rights were what he made them to be. He had no right to warm clothing, food or a wet dick. If you wanted these things you acted. Caveman #2 grubbing in on your meal, just bash in his fucking skull with a rock, hear him grumble about his right to eat then.

                          Instead, we have grown complacent in our society and dont know what it is to work for the things that we possess. If all technology were to magically cease tomorrow, how many people would die whilst bitching about their situation and how many would act on it?

                          I must now apologize, I assure you it was not my intention to force my will upon you when you read my post, in the future I will try harder to let you decide yourself whether or not to read on my thoughts and opinions. You idiot.

                          I would say my post resembled a diatribe more than a vitriol, wouldn't you agree?


                          • Counter-Strike 1.4 suxx !!!

                            We played cs13 very long time and we don't want to adapt to this new stuppid rules !

                            Imaging that the FOOTBALL rules will be changed !!!

                            WHO will be FIGO or ZIDANE then ? It's unbelivable !

                            We are very upset

                            GIVE CS 1.3 BACK !!!

