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  • #16
    this is probably one of the greatest things ive seen come up in awhile, seriously.. I have been running a clan for almost 6 months now and I just dont know how to take that step up.. every league I try and join is already in progress and the one league we are is isnt that good and were getting smoked in it, lol.. I think its a geat idea!


    • #17
      It's Cyberathlete Amautuer League. Not Cyber Athlete League.

      Anyway, as I'm sure no one cares about that, let me make another comment.

      Quite a few of the people in "super-clans" have bad attitudes, too. It's the ones out of the spotlight that have heart! I was banned today by ksharp, in fact, just for killing him while he was busy banning someone else :-/. People not so uppity are much more kind. And uppity people are found in premier clans.

      Added @ [time="1019101845"]

      I actually had an idea the other day about reporting on less known clans...I guess twofly beat me to it though :-(.

      Same thing with those pool tube things. You know, those tubes you take the pool and hang onto since they float? I had a great fast money making scheme about those. They were going to be a hit, putting a smile on every kid's face, all the while seperating their parents from their wallets. Then a couple of weeks later I saw a commercial advertising them.

      I swear, all my ideas are being stolen by people with ESP.

      Added @ [time="1019101980"]

      I wouldn't be surprised if also owns the patent for those tube things :-/

      Added @ [time="1019102240"]

      And scr0ll, I like squirrels too.

      But I like minature giant space hamsters more. |2h33r Boo.


      • #18
        aragorn, do you ever stop rambling? ;D

        yes, I agree with you. People that are high and "uppity" are usually arrogant. That sucks. D;


        • #19
          Na pansy ranger rambes.. almost crazy like


          • #20
            Edited by [user="22748"] @ [time="1019111713"]

            CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

            Na pansy ranger rambes.. almost crazy like
            Yes, being crazy is fun..... (SARCASM)....

            It is way more fun than SOME guy who is so huge that he can overload his chair or A guy who took an unspecified mutant/rodent as his avatar.

            Anyway it is fun being crazy becos I can hang out with anyone in the crowd without driving other pple crazy but still leave tham crazy.If ya ever bother to read this post means ya equally crazy BUT not crazy. Crazy pple have to be locked up in an ayslum but some crazy pple may not.

            Ok, where to find other crazy pple like me, look around.....

            (Hint: look for a site that has a MAN W/A STUBBLE pointing a huge pistol at a guy's head and who is oblivious / obviously blind to what is goin to happen. BTW look for a streak of lightning too in case you fail to see the guy with a stubble or the blind/oblivious fellow)


            • #21
              Phear teh Squirrel


              • #22
                Pansy Ranger wrote..

                CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

                Na pansy ranger rambes.. almost crazy like

                Yes, being crazy is fun..... (SARCASM)....

                It is way more fun than SOME guy who is so huge that he can overload his chair or A guy who took an unspecified mutant/rodent as his avatar.

                Anyway it is fun being crazy becos I can hang out with anyone in the crowd without driving other pple crazy but still leave tham crazy.If ya ever bother to read this post means ya equally crazy BUT not crazy. Crazy pple have to be locked up in an ayslum but some crazy pple may not.

                Ok, where to find other crazy pple like me, look around.....

                (Hint: look for a site that has a MAN W/A STUBBLE pointing a huge pistol at a guy's head and who is oblivious / obviously blind to what is goin to happen. BTW look for a streak of lightning too in case you fail to see the guy with a stubble or the blind/oblivious fellow)
                I got me those crazy ass titanium chairs


                • #23
                  Really, in 1.4 beta you get to play with some people from very good clans from time to time. I think DoP is supposed to be a good clan and I've played with them a few times. I've noticed something though, one person from a really good clan was like 5-5 or 4-5 at the beginning on aztec and he left. As soon as they start doing bad(well that's good for me, I'm 1-2 on average in 1.4) they leave or get REALLY pissed. Not all are like this though.


                  • #24
                    CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

                    Pansy Ranger wrote..

                    CrazyNewbieGuy wrote..

                    Na pansy ranger rambes.. almost crazy like

                    Yes, being crazy is fun..... (SARCASM)....

                    It is way more fun than SOME guy who is so huge that he can overload his chair or A guy who took an unspecified mutant/rodent as his avatar.

                    Anyway it is fun being crazy becos I can hang out with anyone in the crowd without driving other pple crazy but still leave tham crazy.If ya ever bother to read this post means ya equally crazy BUT not crazy. Crazy pple have to be locked up in an ayslum but some crazy pple may not.

                    Ok, where to find other crazy pple like me, look around.....

                    (Hint: look for a site that has a MAN W/A STUBBLE pointing a huge pistol at a guy's head and who is oblivious / obviously blind to what is goin to happen. BTW look for a streak of lightning too in case you fail to see the guy with a stubble or the blind/oblivious fellow)

                    I got me those crazy ass titanium chairs


                    • #25
                      Yeah, when your competive, you get pissed when you start sucking. I've known people that have like a 1.50 ratio and get pissed beause of this, and retry to get a better score. Instead they should try to improve on what they already have and stay calm. Much more rewarding I think.

                      Their just expecting themselves to always be VERY good, and they get frustrated if their being destroyed for awhile.

                      (hmmm...X3 leaving online play just becuase they lost 3 matches?)


                      • #26
                        !~~HACKED BY TRITUS~~!

