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NiP gets a manager

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  • #16
    Edited by [user="2345"] @ [time="1016258638"]

    They beat x3 and think they rule the world...


    • #17
      A manager? They are an online gaming clan ffs not a band...


      • #18
        I agree, this will fail. They have gotten too confident after beating X3.


        • #19
          you should have written: "NiP gets a NEW manager." they already had one before: buddah.


          • #20
            Defiantly a big step in professional gaming and...


            • #21
              V1P3R wrote..
              I agree, this will fail. They have gotten too confident after beating X3.
              LOL it makes me laugh how ppl think that x3 are the only other clan in the world.


              • #22
                x3 sucks...


                • #23
                  I think this great, NiP should do wat they want, there the leading clan in CS pro-gaming. Wat have other clans done?, wrote a book about tacs when they say in interviews they dont use tacs, lol. comon.

                  Why shouldnt they be confident. there unbeated world wide to my knowledge in a compition. And people who think there company will fail, why should it?, its not going to be a company about food selling, it will be go games and thus make NiP a more pro clan and get them more sponsoring and help the gaming community.

                  I think that if X3 did this, the viewers of CSNation would lap it up and cheer and shit. Just have confidence in them, its there money and i hope they go for it.


                  • #24
                    bukchin. wrote..
                    you should have written: "NiP gets a NEW manager." they already had one before: buddah.
                    This is their first manager as far as I'm aware.


                    • #25
                      I lost all respect for NiP after that "well we won because frankly we're the best ever" interview.

                      I have no time for people without sportsmanship


                      • #26
                        In professional sports, you really cannot afford to be "frank" (as NiP was) as it just ends up coming out like you are a sore loser/winner.

                        Oh and on a side note...arsen, it's good to see we've moved on from defiantly and onto defiently. Still, somehow I get the feeling that this quest won't be over until definitely resides in the last sentence of your post...


                        • #27
                          narby. u say u lost respect for them because they said there the best, well they are, so...everyone thinks, they just say it.

