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C-D v1.1b

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  • #16
    Edited by [user="1130"] @ [time="1015854908"]

    This is really impressive. I think one day (near present) anti-cheating programs will be like anti-virus programs, online updating... C-D is getting close! Only a few hours after OCG! Impressive... Indeed. =))


    • #17
      I Think my ass has fell of from all this laughing hahahah you go CD well done!


      • #18
        Spike Spiegel wrote..
        Beggers can't be choosers.
        Well said, we don't exactly have surplus of people who will actually help the community. If the guys at cheating-death didn't exist, and cs-guard was not working, I honestly think there would be no cs for me, or over half of the rest of you.


        • #19
          Time to comment seriously. Here we go.

          Ok, this is pretty damn impressive. 13 hours after the release of the latest OGC and they've got a new version to own it? Wow. This is like 10 times better than PB. I just don't like the [No C-D] tags though. Keep it up, C-D team!


          • #20
            I'm impressed, but I'm not going to gloat because some geeky hacker who tells us all to get lives (whilst they spend their every moment messing with computer code) will hack it. But, if CD can update really quick like that, then that is a definite improvement. As for the cheaters, why don't they fuck off to servers without anti-cheat measures in place, because they are twats.


            • #21
              This relentless war between good and evil. Where shall it end. D:


              • #22
                FatboyTim wrote..
                (Posted today on the [myg0t] forums
                f***en cheating-death

                new ocg v7.4 doesnt work with newest c-d


                i just wanna kill these people who make these stupid anti cheat programs. really, if i killed the guy who made PB and C-D i wouldnt give a s***

                Why don't these stupid ass faces setup up local servers with a few bots and play around with the damned ogc? Better for all the comunity! And they wouldn't be frustrated of C-D catch'em... I'm so clever! huahuahahua )


                • #23
                  This came out fast, but I wonder how many servers were screwed before it did 8(

                  Still, these Anti Cheaters were on the ball very fast, well done guys


                  • #24
                    -m0o.Rob- wrote..
                    I'm impressed, but I'm not going to gloat because some geeky hacker who tells us all to get lives (whilst they spend their every moment messing with computer code) will hack it. But, if CD can update really quick like that, then that is a definite improvement. As for the cheaters, why don't they fuck off to servers without anti-cheat measures in place, because they are twats.
                    Becuse no server wants cheaters and soon enough every server would have an anti-cheat installed. The only reason that cheaters keep on cheating and the OGC developers dont give up is becuse WE TALK SO FUCKING MUCH ABOUT THEM!

                    Every motherfucking forum i visit i find messages like "Fucking OGC!!" What do you think the guy that made it does? Laughs!!! He made this to piss people of, if it does this then he has succeded. If it doesnt he goes back in his cave.


                    • #25
                      Becuse no server wants cheaters and soon enough every server would have an anti-cheat installed. The only reason that cheaters keep on cheating and the OGC developers dont give up is becuse WE TALK SO F***ING MUCH ABOUT THEM!

                      Every motherf***ing forum i visit i find messages like "F***ing OGC!!" What do you think the guy that made it does? Laughs!!! He made this to piss people of, if it does this then he has succeded. If it doesnt he goes back in his cave.
                      If you want to get an idea about system and why he does ogc along with other opinions from CDeath and Vasily Pupkin go here and read for a while. It will give you a good idea about how these main cheating/anti-cheating people view different things.


                      Not many posts or good ones on the first few pages but it gets better just takes some time to read. Some of their thoughts are pretty interesting.


                      • #26
                        true obsidan, but what do u want? not talk about it? I think that if we didn't talk about it so much there wouldn't be a nice team of anti-cheat people around (referrring to cheating-death). If we didn't talk about it would seem as if noone cared, so why make an anti-cheat if noone cares . So my final advice: Keep talking


                        • #27
                          Lots of people here saying how impressed they are with CD coming out with a counter-cheat (hmmm, interesting parallel...) within 13 hours, Olo of CSguard had a counter out yesterday!


                          • #28
                            Edited by [user="2093"] @ [time="1015877989"]

                            Nesto wrote..
                            true obsidan, but what do u want? not talk about it? I think that if we didn't talk about it so much there wouldn't be a nice team of anti-cheat people around (referrring to cheating-death). If we didn't talk about it would seem as if noone cared, so why make an anti-cheat if noone cares . So my final advice: Keep talking
                            If no one gave a fuck (ie ignoring them) they wouldn't put down the same energy into it. Its because some people (n00bs) cant stop making topics like "FUCKING CHEATER" just as effective as giving blood to the count. If you stop he'll die. If the community kept this at a lower level than it is at the moment and letting CD know his work is appreciated on a personal level (emails) OGC would soon enough do a xpz2, go private and disapear from the public eye.

                            Everyone knows that cheats exsist and that they suck, but what the fuck is the point on letting everyone know what they already know?

                            This is why OGC is so huge right now, everyone talks about it, releases videos to show how it works, screenshots and so on.


                            • #29
                              After reading both System and Vasilys comments i can tell both of them are just selfish worthless excuses for human beings. Both of them do not enjoy playing CS, so therefore they don't see why other people enjoy playing it, and why cheating is wrong. Humans are crap.


                              • #30
                                OGC has been rather primitive in evading Cheating Death. They've only managed to do it once - and the way it works is by using 0.8 clients to connect to 0.9 servers. CSGuard also gets hacked faster than CD anyways.

                                CD has the idea right: you need to ACTIVELY BLOCK cheats instead of just looking for them.

                                Then you have people like GiXeLz who think they're l33t because they can hack Quake-engine based games, or myg0t who get their kicks by pissing people off.

                                What Valve needs to do here is pull a Blizzard and start handing out DMCA legal threats. Remember Blizzard and the whole bnetd fiasco? Same thing here.

