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Chicken Mod

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  • Chicken Mod

    Qu3 and Joe over at have come up with a revolutionary way to deal with campers...turn them into chickens!

    It's a plugin for AdminMod that forces the victims to take the appearance of a chicken and means they cannot attack or change their name from 'Chicken'. However they can still defuse and rescue hostages. Great.

    In case you were wondering, I'm the latest news-poster round here and I'm straight out of the UK.

  • #2
    just what we need, another admin mod plugin that takes away from the original gameplay of CS and gives those 12 year old admins something to do besides admin_slap. The moron who got this plugin going acually PAYED 100 dollars to have it made. refer to this post

    retards...just play the fucking game admin mod is for fgts!!


    • #3
      I forgot to mention he acually was charing people 2.50 to BUY this plugin for your server...


      • #4
        Like we need another brit...


        • #5
          Abusive admins have done it AGAIN!


          • #6
            BTW all you have to do to prevent be chickened or llamaed or slayed or WHATEVERed by any gay admin is set your config and autoexec to read only.. All those commands are basically execclients on someone.


            • #7
              hey look, here's another cool reason to avoid counter-strike servers running AdminMod!!! :P


              • #8
                AdminMod is the devil's guff.


                • #9
                  ThrasheR wrote..
                  BTW all you have to do to prevent be chickened or llamaed or slayed or WHATEVERed by any gay admin is set your config and autoexec to read only.. All those commands are basically execclients on someone.
                  thanks for the fkn tip ill try that shit


                  • #10
                    i'll give the new newsie 2 weeks before we never see him again


                    • #11
                      LuftWaffle wrote..
                      Like we need another brit...
                      Excuse Mah - Us Brits Roxor you Americans. Let me remind you that it was a British d00d who invented the internet, so if it werent for us, you americans wouldnt have the internet to enjoy. We brits have done a hell of a lot for you, it's us who are the perfetionists in the game industry, you Americans just rush it and get it out ASAP (except CS of course, that's just class...ehe...ehe....I shut up now)

                      Don't Diss Brits! *Cough* Chris Auty *Cough*


                      • #12
                        ruddy brilliant, i wanna play on a server with this mod!! check out the screenies on his site their hilarious!


                        • #13
                          Willa wrote..
                          LuftWaffle wrote..
                          Like we need another brit...
                          Excuse Mah - Us Brits Roxor you Americans. Let me remind you that it was a British d00d who invented the internet,

                          Don't Diss Brits! *Cough* Chris Auty *Cough*
                          Uhm, the TCP/IP protocol/model was developed by the united states department of defense, without it the internet would not be. And also the model used for virtually all networking, which is the OSI model, whas developed internationaly by the ISO fewlios. No one country can clame the majority for how computers network to this day...except ofcourse for the USA. 99% chance your connection is routed through a cisco(usa) internet router somewhere along its path. And most breakthrough networking technologies came out of the fucking U,S of A FAGGOT.

                          btw i'm polish.


                          • #14
                            It should be noted that Americans also invented Styrofoam, without which your computer would have broken in shipping!!!!!!

                            Shut up with the country wars. Willa is a clownboat.


                            • #15
                              Thank you Rizzuh.

