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  • #16
    Shonuff you lie. Plus the fact that 45% per cent of americans don't know the sun is a star tells it's own story. Aibohphobia NiP beat EVERYONE at cpl wc so 4k getting beaten by them doesn't say much. The fact that they beat W.E.W who americans said would batter them has no facts does it. Plus you haven't seen many cs stuff have you.


    • #17
      george said obese americans are funny, he didn't say there weren't any obese people in, the american obese people all where track-suits and have video cameras and spend hours filming buckingham palace


      • #18
        Point your browsers to this :


        Very petty, but that's the last thing i have to say on the matter.


        • #19
          Edited by [user="2065"] @ [time="1013543138"]

          I'm just wondering why CS-Nation changed its name to UKTerrorist...

          Myers: As long as this site is owned by rizzuh, I'll put any opinions I want. I did not call the UKT article opinionated. Someone else did and I said it was WRONG to call an editorial opinionated, because this is the point. This is not your site, so "keep your opinions to yourself."

          Actually, I don't feel that at all. Your opinions are WELCOME, but not freaking opinions about me not putting my opinions. I will not and have never told Blitz, etc. how to run UKTerrorist. I have, once, pointed out a dramatic error.

          My "opinions" seem to be doing CS-Nation very well.

          St_G: Not true, I just think the name is silly. Football teams don't have "football" in their title. Is infinity going to branch off into race cars or something? I don't see the need for the "esports" part, but there's no doubt that "infinity" is already taken.

          Blitz: True, but that just shows how "innocent" e-sports are. Are you looking FORWARD to commercialism? Look at Europe's NiP -- that's not a serious name. Xtreme 3 and DoP are really silly clan names, though.

          Eaglelives wrote..
          Shonuff you lie. Plus the fact that 45% per cent of americans don't know the sun is a star tells it's own story. Aibohphobia NiP beat EVERYONE at cpl wc so 4k getting beaten by them doesn't say much. The fact that they beat W.E.W who americans said would batter them has no facts does it. Plus you haven't seen many cs stuff have you.
          Oh really? 45 percent per cent of Americans don't know that the Sun is a star? Is this 45% of the American cent? $0.0045 don't know that the Sun is a star. Thanks.

          Sir, I never expected WEW to beat NiP. You make up "American" myths to fit your needs. Grab a clue.


          • #20
            Edited by [user="2901"] @ [time="1013546093"]

            Rizzuh, dude, calm down. Eaglelives accidentally put "percent" in again. I guess he didn't proofread his message. There is no need to indite him on federal charges of misspelling.

            "I'm just wondering why CS-Nation changed its name to UKTerrorist... "

            We didn't say, "change CS-Nation to UKT... dammit", we simply don't like the fact that you -a news reporter- thinking you are an art critic, a map critic, or a judger of clan names. These people work hard to put out quality work: Ender and his art and 3D_Mike with his maps. Don't come down from your castle and rip apart what they have done. This is not "Rizzuh's Critic Hour". If you want to criticize happenings in the CS community, then make a section where you can release your opinions on the unsuspecting masses. Not on the main news page.

            "Myers: As long as this site is owned by rizzuh, I'll put any opinions I want. I did not call the UKT article opinionated. Someone else did and I said it was WRONG to call an editorial opinionated, because this is the point. This is not your site, so 'keep your opinions to yourself.'"

            You don't seem to like opinions as much as we do. You say that this is your site and you'll do what you want. How about... these are the artist's pieces of art, the artists can do whatever they want. If you don't like people telling you how to run CSN, then why don't you stop telling them to make better art? The critical comments can work both ways.

            "Actually, I don't feel that at all. Your opinions are WELCOME, but not freaking opinions about me not putting my opinions. I will not and have never told Blitz, etc. how to run UKTerrorist. I have, once, pointed out a dramatic error."

            (a)Blitz posts a piece of news: he is congratulated.

            (a)Rizzuh posts a piece of news: he is congratulated.

            (b)Blitz posts an opinionated, hateful comment about news: Scolded.

            (b)Rizzuh posts an opinionated, hateful comment about news: Scolded.

            So far, Blitz has pretty much done only (a). You, Rizzuh, have done both a and b. And you were treated the way you were by the public accordingly. We aren't going to point out to Blitz a "dramatic error" when he has done nothing wrong. Not saying that Blitz is a god, he just doesn't express his opinions on news. He never told you how to run CSN, he just stated his opinion about your news posting actions and comments.

            You don't see the local newscaster talking about what she thinks the Senate should do about a new bill. All she does is report it. She leaves the opinionated comments up to newspaper columns and radio talk show hosts.

            Now, understand this Rizzuh. When you post news on CSN's main page, you are the female newscaster. When Gorktic, I, Antmoo or Sublyme write columns or articles about CS, we are the talk show hosts. We have the right to speak our opinions. When you start writing columns and articles, express your opinions in them, not on news posts.

            There has to be some form of prescription drug to prevent this kind of malevolent behavior.

            -The Oracle


            • #21
              Good comment oracle.


              • #22
                yes. pld oracle.


                • #23
                  Rizzuh, no doubt u are in a postion of some power within the cs community, especially on the American side, but surely even you must find it wrong to criticise someone's work when they've spent so long on it. I didn't mean my article, however you have frequently used the term 'highly opinionated' recently when all the time you feel the need to give your own opinion to each piece of news you put up.

                  If people wanted your opinions, then they'd ask for it, but they really don't want to read them attached to a news post relating to a piece of work someone's worked very hard on.

                  Also " Football teams don't have "football" in their title" ,-- 'Manchester United Football Club', 'Arsenal football club', 'Liverpool Football club', all english 'soccer' teams seem to have football in their name .

                  Any chance of catching u on irc sometime btw m8?


                  • #24
                    Edited by [user="13689"] @ [time="1013552815"]


                    rizzuh. i like biscuits; you like cs. I dont right a 3 page long opinion on biscuits because thats sad.. i would on the otherhand write NEWS on the newest biscuits.. aye.


                    AYE... !

                    yez. ?


                    • #25
                      "St_G: Not true, I just think the name is silly. Football teams don't have "football" in their title. Is infinity going to branch off into race cars or something? I don't see the need for the "esports" part, but there's no doubt that "infinity" is already taken."

                      If we take "football" as "soccer" this statement would be falsified by clubs such as Tottenham Hotspur Football Club or Manchester United Football Club.

                      Lets just put this simply rizzuh.....STFU.


                      • #26
                        acidtreatment wrote..

                        rizzuh. i liee bicuits; yuo lkei cs. I dnt wrte a 3 pge log opnion on biscuit bcause thas sad.. i would on the otherhan write NEWS on the newest biscuits.. aye.


                        AYE... !

                        yez. ?


                        • #27
                          Eaglelives wrote..
                          Shonuff you lie. Plus the fact that 45% per cent of americans don't know the sun is a star tells it's own story. Aibohphobia NiP beat EVERYONE at cpl wc so 4k getting beaten by them doesn't say much. The fact that they beat W.E.W who americans said would batter them has no facts does it. Plus you haven't seen many cs stuff have you.
                          Lied about wat??

                          The "There is a far greater percentage of obese people in the UK than in the US." was a quote by Aibohphobia i was just saying your having a laugh because there is NO WAY that it is true.


                          • #28
                            This has to be the largest, ugliest flamewar ever seen. Let's just leave it, shall we.


                            • #29
                              rizzuh wrote..
                              I'm just wondering why CS-Nation changed its name to UKTerrorist...
                              lol, you did? Nice're sacked
                              Myers: As long as this site is owned by rizzuh, I'll put any opinions I want.....I will not and have never told Blitz, etc. how to run UKTerrorist. I have, once, pointed out a dramatic error.
                              Fair enough, and very true.
                              My "opinions" seem to be doing CS-Nation very well.
                              I'd go a little further and say it was actually doing CSN well....get your point though.
                              St_G: Not true, I just think the name is silly. Football teams don't have "football" in their title. Is infinity going to branch off into race cars or something? I don't see the need for the "esports" part, but there's no doubt that "infinity" is already taken.
                              Many have pointed out that they do infact, so I won't repeat it. Don't know if you follow the Q3 scene (I'd guess not) but recently, a new clan was formed consisting of some top class players who had all just left top clans....'p1mps'. They got sponsorship just this week...their clan name now? Esports.

                              The name 'Infinity eSports' immediately gives away a clue as to what they are all about, 'Infinity' wouldn't....a little more professionalism could go a long way in adding to their current list of sponsors.
                              Blitz: True, but that just shows how "innocent" e-sports are. Are you looking FORWARD to commercialism? Look at Europe's NiP -- that's not a serious name. Xtreme 3 and DoP are really silly clan names, though.
                              My point exactly...considering our community is full of daft clan names, surely 'Infinity eSports' isn't that outlandish that it required special attention.
                              Sir, I never expected WEW to beat NiP. You make up "American" myths to fit your needs. Grab a clue.
                              I think he meant 4K beating WEW.

                              Rizzuh, you do a great job here, no-one denies that...but judging by the general consensus here on your own comments, most people find it unsuitable for news (3D_Mike piece, this piece, for eg). In saying that though, it's your site like you say so I won't advise you.

                              I'll tell you my opinion instead, referring to something Oracle said

                              Put simply, I wouldn't watch a news programme where the reader announced news then slated it.

                              "Today an antique painting done by Herman Chambers, dating from around the blah blah, was sold for $4 million at auction. Personally, I wouldn't pay $4 for it, but there you go....some people are stupid. I mean look at it, I could do better during the adverts....pfft!"

                              *click* /TV off...

                              Anyway, keep up the good work, and thanks for the news post(s).


                              • #30
                                Note: This is not a UKT/CSN debate...CSN is one of the few good CS sites out there (like UKT in my opinion).

                                This has basically came about because you've changed your style of posting. Before you pointed out the error in one of our pieces, you were never so obviously 'opinionated', as you call it, in your news posts.

                                If this is the new rizzuh style of posting, then so be it....good work.

