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de_.bsp playtest

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  • de_.bsp playtest

    Barney's latest map, the one that our contest is about, is starting the first round of public playtesting. Here are some exclusive pictures of the latest version:

    We have our testers, thanks for trying!

  • #2
    It looks sexy!


    • #3
      mapping is cool. too bad there isnt a way to make something like fog in wc. that'd be great.

      im going to go bench pressing now.


      • #4
        We're all impressed with your manliness niets.

        nart maeks teh best maps !!!!!


        • #5
          damn straight, lifting is great.

          please dont patronize me.

          im still fooling with wc. the only things that i am lacking are terxtures. ill have to get them... but the place that i have to get them from is smack in the center of a crack neighborhood.


          • #6
            This map is very fun I think I don't really know someone else is busy taking my spot


            • #7
              Well, I got banned before I could really help test anything (???). But, I have a concern with the bombsite B (atleast I think it was b) If you were to stand on the box w/ missile with a friend to boost, I think you could plant up on the ledges which may or may not be desired.



              • #8
                It's full evry time I check.Oh well.


                • #9
                  Edited by [user="2065"] @ [time="1013388658"]

                  Test is done!

                  Oct: I must have accidently banned you instead of Optical. I am very, very sorry.


                  • #10
                    Edited by [user="2549"] @ [time="1013388406"]

                    i tried it out, its a great map barney ( I was 1st| []nVi$][V][aN)

                    however, for some constructive criticism: if the Terrorists rushed bombsite B as fast as they could, they would get there just ( or even a little bit before) as the CTs. it might just have been me, however. other than that, the map was really great.

                    nice job narby


                    • #11
                      Edited by [user="2003"] @ [time="1013388473"]

                      niets wrote..
                      mapping is cool. too bad there isnt a way to make something like fog in wc. that'd be great.

                      im going to go bench pressing now.
                      There is a way to make fog, and it's not very difficult. The easiest way is to sue fog spirtes, but those look weird. Another way is to use glow sprites, like 3D_Mike did on Predator.


                      • #12
                        Those glow spirtes REALLY made me mad.. random changes in light made it so hard to aim going to certain spots I didn't know till you just said it that that was what they were but GRRRR


                        • #13
                          the map pwned, ownage job narby. The test was pretty cool, I remained owned with a ratio approx. of .8 kills per death. rze sux0r3d. narb3h is it ok if I pimp the map on my friend's server or no?


                          • #14
                            I sux0red because everyone was messaging me on tracker -- "{PLZ UBNABN EME !!!"


                            • #15
                              haha sux4u

