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Cheating Death v0.9

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  • Cheating Death v0.9

    New features in 0.9:
    • fixed sound problems.

    • fixed problem where c-d would freeze on some systems.

    • added support for dod 2.0, oz 2.5, and firearms mods.

    • added system tray support.

    • added more hack tests.

    • added client interface tampering protection.

    • added code to check for multiple clients.

    • added code to check for lag cheats.

    • added code to check for speed cheats.

    • added code to check for colored models.

    • fixed fov related flicker problem on dod.

    • fixed problem of cdeath.exe not always saving options.

    • added client side support for hltv.
    So head on over and update cheating death to v 0.9!

  • #2
    all these anti-cheating initiatives will be worthless once Valve implements its anti-cheat. If the VALVe anti-cheating mechanism does not make all these other anti-cheat programs obsolete then there is no reason to keep playing CS.


    • #3
      Let me just try and understand what you just said. You basically hinted that all non-valve anti-cheat measures should be dropped because valve is adding its own anti-cheat soultion in version 2.0 that will roughly be released one year from now? And so what if Vavle's anti-cheat mechanism won't work; to be all honest, it probably won't. So if that is your argument Aibohphobia, then you might as well quit now. As for me, I will continue to play on well-admined servers and lans. n00bs like you mean nothing to this community anyways.


      • #4
        Well in the meantime these anti-cheat programs are a creative way for CS community members to flex their programming muscles and have fun. So power to them!


        • #5
          The server that I am an admin at runs anti-cheat programs and they catch people all the time. The CS world would be a better place if all admins cared enough to put up good anti-cheat progs. Ever notice that cheaters flock to poorly admin-ed servers?


          • #6
            A lil story by O to the bizzo.

            I admin a server in my spare time. When OGC came i tested it out and it was so obvious who was using it and who wasnt that finding them was real easy. The tough part was the TWEEKERS that adjust the game so that they cheat minimally. For this is used 2 methods.

            Paladin: I installed it, but it didnt stop Cheaters, it only COUGHT them. Meaning if someone was cheating when there was no admin he would be doing it without any problems.

            CD: My favorite!!! No OGC can bypass it nor any other cheat. It freezes CS as soon as i detects a cheat. This one i love.

            And now it also has DOD support!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess who's gonna rape y00 gramma tommorow!


            • #7
              even if its only a damn temporary fix its better than nothing, and valves 2.0 will be out a long time from now...... so lets just stope making anti cheat things `til then....... r u f'ing nutz?!


              • #8
                Haha, will anyone of us care about cs in a year?


                • #9
                  I've played on servers with Punkbuster, paladin, cheating-death, etc. etc. Unless there is a (non-abusive) admin present there is always a cheat that will get past one of these programs. Most of the servers I play on the admins are not skilled enough players to discern between luck/skill and or cheats. Another thing: all these anti-cheat proggies dont have Steam/CS 1.4 support. When it comes right down to it the only haven for expert players are 1) LANs, 2) your clan's server and 3) servers you are an admin on. All the other pub servers suffer from 1) poor anti-cheat programs 2) bad lag/server fps and 3) obussive/stupid/poor admins.


                  • #10
                    I will Tool. I have for over a year and half and since there aren't many "BIG games" that come even close to CS in gameplay, I'll probably still be playing CS. Especially if it keeps the trend of updating every few months or even a version 2 in a few years.


                    • #11
                      Yeah Half Pint is right. No other game has kept my attention for as long as CS0r has.

                      2 years and i still love it so, yeah i'll probably still be playing in a year.


                      • #12
                        Ill still be playing thats for sure, and on the cheating note ill take any anti cheat I can! It's making the good ol days of 36/5 LOOK good for once

