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Status: Owned! Video

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  • Status: Owned! Video

    Someone and his friends as decided to release a new video, entitled "Status: Owned!" It's a fun little video, but I wouldn't say it's all that great. Worth the download? Probably not, unless you want a few minutes of someone owning other people. It comes in two flavors, over at ClanBase:Please note that you can feel free to call this guy a cheater, because these are clearly taken from demos (which only record positions and gameplay things, not what you actually see).

  • #2
    c00l v1d


    • #3
      those grenade jumps though, and the para-plasmalike jump HAd to be done on low grav....

      there is NO other explanation~!


      • #4
        finally got a vid before the download site went down!


        • #5
          I like the idea of a cs video. Although i didn't d/l this wee morsole of oWnaGe, i assume the makers have a great mind to eventhink of an idea like thsi, let alone make one.


          • #6
            after watching the movie, i'd like to way, WTF. Jumping up walls using the recoil of a para just isn't possible, and i really doubt you can jump that far with an HE, although it didn't look like low grav on any of these stunts.

            other than the impossible things, the movie was very nicely made and is very small for the quality of the video and length


            • #7
              just in case some of you didnt notice, a lot of those shots were simply put in rewind... to make it look like they were doing the impossible. HOWEVER, not all of them were like that. I cant explain the first HE nade jump, but you can probably tell the "para" climb was just taken, then put in reverse or, it was some kind of gravity setting. And it looks like on some of the nade jumps, they have some kooky gravity settings and some funky other settings(somewhat like the matrix settings possibly)


              • #8


                • #9
                  the world shall never know.


                  • #10
                    or shall we


                    • #11
                      I really do care about how these effects were possible.



                      • #12
                        "someone and his friend?"

                        "feel free to call cheater ?"


                        rizzuh, these guys in German top clan, perdox

                        they lost to Infernum, didn't make it to EC4 finals

                        but consider all the records, German scene is like this:

                        perdox, mTw, DkH, sk

                        don't get confused, there were GameOnline and Geekboys in CPL WC

                        not the original German team, they play with tag mTw.gol & tho.


                        • #13
                          omg u nazi!

                          heh, j/k


                          • #14
                            da f00k, the HE jumping and para shit was all low grav but some of those shots look lieked teh h4x.


                            • #15

                              i'm the guy who made the movie.

                              you all completely misunderstood it. this movie was not meant to be a "we-are-so-l33t-and-you-are-not" like the murk one (kinda) was.

                              much more I just wanted to show some fun CS stuff with some good music.

                              it's also not a secret, that both, the grenade jumps and the paraclimb were done on low gravity. It was meant as a joke about Quake 3 Arena's movement and looked kinda cool, so I included it.

                              all the frags you saw were done on LAN so no, they were not hax. some of the later ones were staged though. that also is not a secret.

                              you guys, especially rizzuh, need to get back to having fun with CS...

