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The belated...

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  • The belated...

    Our new design/site/backend is coming along at a snails pace. I've basically lost one PHP guy, which means I'm doing the entire thing myself (I'm not asking for help, though.. no worries.) and I'm fairly busy until the 3rd of this month.. So right now we'll just be a plain news site, barring the mailbag we'll get up in an hour or so.

    Our new design won't be the best in the world. It suits our needs, and I'm sure everyone will hate it like they hate this one. I don't live to please and not pleasing doesn't really make me sad. What does piss me off is someone from another site posting pictures of the new design before it's ready, or even intended, to be seen by anyone else. It takes a lot of effort to be a complete loser and run a fairly big site, and for a surprize to be trivialized by a fool is annoying, to say the least. So do me a favor and don't host or link to the image, please. Update: the CS [UK] team and Sanch3z have said sorry and removed the image and link. All is cool, they're nice guys and didn't mean anything.

    Err, anyway. The new "member's system" will use our current's comment users database, so sign up now or get that password remembered!

    Back to the state of the site in general: unless you haven't gathered I am, once again, your sad little webmaster. ChuChuRocket apparently died (which was another set back, as he was handling content transition). Basically in a few weeks you'll get a new site, a new design, and a much better feature handling system.

    We've been around for under two years and I'd like to see the site stop sucking so much, like you'd like to see it stop sucking.

    Back to your normal news postage...