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Article follow-up

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  • Article follow-up

    Remember the controversial CS article over at MOD Mapper? Well the author has written a rather brief follow-up to it.
    Now, I never said that CS is a bad MOD or that I really hate it for that matter, I've just grown tired of the same old thing over and over with more features that make the MOD worse than real improvements. Secondly, I did not say there are no cheats for CS, I said there is no Aimbot. For this statement I stand corrected however, I have been told it's not really worth the download and I really don't understand why anyone would bother to create such a program that has no positive use. It's like a virus. Why would someone want to program something that only causes harm? I guess it's terrorism online. Doesn't make sense to me but whatever blows your hair back!
    There really isn't anything that can change the gameplay of CS. It's unique and yes, repetitious at times but it's the most original idea since.. sliced bread. Bready goodness.