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CS2D update

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  • CS2D update

    Half-Pint sent this update for his site, Counter-Strike 2d.
    Hello all German speaking CS players. Thanks to [IB] Dachande and his magnificent English to German translations you can now experience CS2D maps in your native language. I have gotten a lot of emails of thanks from German CS fans and so this ones for you guys! All CS2D maps made by my me are now available with their legends translated into German. Just head over to my maps and grab the German GIF.

    In other news I saw a preliminary copy of my new website being designed by my clans leader [BCo]M@verick. There will be ASP news pages, a forum, java scripted DHTML effects and a links page that anyone will be able to add links to. It will also feature some custom graphics optimized for both 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions. This will probably not be up for a few weeks but it will be awesome when it is done.

    I have also adjusted all my about map pages to load the maps in a new window for your convenience.
    Go check it out.

  • #2
    CS2D update

    Half-Pint has updated Counter-Strike 2d with a new 2d as_oilrig map. I'll keep it short and simple, check it out!


    • #3
      CS2D update

      Another hosted site, Counter-Strike 2d has been updated with two new maps (Backalley and Jeepathon), and BETA 7.1 siege. Check it out!


      • #4
        CS2D update

        Counter-Strike 2D has been updated with a collection of all current maps into one PDF (Acrobat Reader) file. Check it out!


        • #5
          CS2D update

          Our very own Counter-Strike 2D has been updated with their first Italian translation. In a strange twist of fate, this map is cs_italy.

          Check it out, if you speak the pizza loving language that is Italian.


          • #6
            CS2D update

            Counter-Strike 2D has received a big update, concerning the cs_office map and the Collected Works PDF. Don't like my half-assed description? Hear it from Half-Pint:
            Hello All! I have just completed a mega update to my CS_OFFICE map. It was changed in some major ways so it took me longer to fix than I thought it would. I also changed the symbols on the map from letters to army men (you have to see it to understand). I have also updated the Collected Works PDF (825kb) file with this new office map and the two Italian translations. I have kept the old Office map in the collected works and on my site because I know the CS community has a big retro map thing I have also selected my favourite banners that I will be giving to anyone that needs to link to my site.
            Take a gander at those 2D maps already.


            • #7
              CS2D update

              Half-Pint, the loveable midget behind Counter-Strike 2D (your resource for floor plans of CS levels), sent word of his latest update:
              First thing is first, I have revamped my first Counter-Strike 2D map, DE_DUST. I also recreated the DE_NUKE.PDF file. For some reason the shaded area took forever to load up but that is fixed now. I am also pleased to see that CS In Black has translated two more of my maps into Italian DE_NUKE and DE_PRODIGY. The Collected Works.PDF (843kb) file has of course been updated with all of these updates and is available for download.

              In other news I am working on Vegas and it looks like it will be easier that I expected. Presuming I don't do much else I will hopefully get it done in about a week. I am also working on a special surprise CS map and I will tell you more as this special project develops.
              I soiled myself with anticipation after reading that! Take a gander at Counter-Strike 2D for all your floorplan needs!


              • #8
                CS2D update

                Your number one resource in Counter-Strike maps styled in 2D, has received a huge update. It seems Half-Pint has redesigned every map with either new symbols, or in siege's and assault's case, they have been blessed with a brand new design. Of course there's always the texts which are too complicated for me to paraphrase, so here is the complimentary blockquote™.
                The biggest change is in my PDF files. I unfortunately found out that Adobe Distiller doesn't automatically embed fonts. Many of you may have noticed weird ascii characters in the PDF versions of my maps. Well it's all fixed now. I highly advise you download my new Collected Works (1.8 MEGS) which contains all the new PDF files. You can also grab them separately from their respective map pages.
                Visit the site, there are even more updates than what I've bastardized here! Tell the boss you can't go to work, because you're stuck checking out those maps, "G!"


                • #9
                  CS2D update

                  The infamous Half-Pint has updated Counter-Strike 2D with this whole lot of blockquoted text.
                  Hi everyone! Well today I have several treats for you all. As things have turned out CS_Thunder will not be appearing in CS 1.1. However I made a 2D map for Thunder anyways. I am also releasing CS_THUNDER for all of you to download. So head over to my thunder section and check out all this plus an interview with famed CS mapper Narby aka Barney creator of ES Frantic, DE Aztec and CS Thunder. The interview includes some interesting insights to Aztec, Inferno and Thunder.
                  Half-Pint was also recently arrested for drunk driving, murder of a baby sheep and simultaneous sex with ten homosapiens, genders of said humans were not released.

