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Sniping Guide

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  • Sniping Guide

    HL Center has defused up a new CS Sniper's Bible.. Here's a tidbit:
    The three sniper rifles in Counter-Strike are the Steyr Scout, AWP, and the G3/SG-1. The Steyr Scout is a low price sniper rifle that is still very good for the money. It doesn't dish out the pain well, but it is very accurate and has a quick reload time. The G3 doesn't require you to reload it after every shot. It is a semi-automatic sniper rifle that isn't as accurate as the other two and isn't as powerful as the AWP. The AWP is the ultimate sniper weapon. I highly suggest this weapon when you are confident with your skills. The AWP kills with only 1 shot, but is a single shot weapon. It is very accurate only in zoom, without zoom the bullet isn't as accurate. All of these weapons work best when you are immobile. If you run and firing, the bullets will go everywhere and you won't hit a thing.
    Thanks for the tip VoodooExtreme..

    In totally unrelated news, Deus Ex should be out everywhere! This game totally rocks, even Gooseman likes it, and you know how hard lefties are to please (or perhaps I only know this!!! olol! I just dissed myself, god I suck).

  • #2
    Sniping Guide

    A new sniping guide has appeared over at UK Terrorist. It is one huge piece of work that covers everything any would-be sniper needs to know, including a decent review of the rifles. So go grab that AWP and click here!


    • #3
      a bird?


      • #4

        Hey the guide is good but it is more focused on the regular snipers..

        So newbie-snipers wont exactly benefit from it.....


        • #5
          when is counter crap + Artic joe comin bac


          • #6
            i dunno, but it was funny!


            • #7
              That Strat made on the awp might help newbs , but i myself been playing about a year now and nothing in it is new to me.


              • #8
                I hate AWP'ers and anyone who uses the AWP and think that we need to get people to use guns other then an AWP, and not to encourage them.


                • #9
                  sod counter crap, whens the CSN enquirer thingy coming back?

                  p.s i hate ppl who think that certain guns or such forth should not be used, I hate lots of guns, but fact is, they are all in cs, so cant complain.


                  • #10
                    wtf is csn enquirer


                    • #11
                      the best part of that interview is the part about the bird. next time someone is sniping called them birdfucker. or bird-fuckface


                      • #12
                        KiTTy wrote..
                        I hate AWP'ers and anyone who uses the AWP and think that we need to get people to use guns other then an AWP, and not to encourage them.


                        • #13
                          I second that notiion


                          • #14
                            KiTTy wrote..
                            I hate AWP'ers and anyone who uses the AWP and think that we need to get people to use guns other then an AWP, and not to encourage them.
                            If you hate the AWP... stay away from my server.


                            • #15
                              This guide would be better if it had screenshots of effective sniping spots.

