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Action Pak 4 Released

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  • #16
    Great pack ;

    But what happend to dead goat's gunshop? They had some hyper-realistic models.


    • #17
      Jemimus just updated with some brand new shnit

      mostly handguns but I think you will find you life long XM1014 replacment there.

      oh btw does anyone ever install these whole packs? or do we all just pick out the stuff we want?

      or better yet do we all just download the stuff we want from other places seperatly to save time?

      I do, but i guess its common sence


      • #18
        Palehorse, I emailed you about this same issue, but just in case you check here first...

        From the "weapons" main area of the previews, you accidentally capitolized the M for "mguns.html", which is breaking the link. You might want to fix that so people can view those pretty SMG's... Of course... the links from the bottom of the other sections to the SMG's still work, so you're not screwed or anything.

        Fairly good pack overall, though yes, I'm more of a purist when it comes to attachments. Well done , but I will stick with the extra effort of finding models individually that suit my taste.


        • #19
          Dammit, I am more interested in the soudns and sprites, but Not too impressed by the weapons.. (No offence meant a taste thing) I dl the Merc Pak, and was more impressed by the weapons there, Couldnt you compartmentalise the sections into their own packs?

          I end up customizing the Players and the odd weapon here and there, ATTENTION UK MODELLERS!! Particularly NW6 Rudegirl, Great so19 skin, BUt only one? Couple of sas ones, hmm, Need a full UK POLICE MODEL PAK< and maybe some IRA SCUM, have we forgotten about those terrorists? Why arent we bombing Dublin and New York, where huge amounts of IRA support is found? Anyhoo I digress. I am a great asker, cos I cant do,... Would love to hear from modellers, Also watch out for a new MAP very soon, (Been play testing all week, and it gets better every day...!)


          • #20
            WTF I installed this thinking it would be cool, and it was at first, it was all us white guys against a bunch of black guys, but then this message popped up saying "FLASHING BIOS" and i was like WTF so i reset my computer then it wouldnt start up. I took it to a computer shop and they charged me $200 for a new motherboard.


            • #21
              Edited by [user="54146"] @ [time="1034093092"]

              garry wrote..

              WTF I installed this thinking it would be cool, and it was at first, it was all us white guys against a bunch of black guys, but then this message popped up saying "FLASHING BIOS" and i was like WTF so i reset my computer then it wouldnt start up. I took it to a computer shop and they charged me $200 for a new motherboard.
              ha ha ha fLASHING bIOS IS m$ CODE FOR bIGGOTS iNSTALL oPERATING sYSTEM, i.E. US white folks need to learn to intergrate, Ya damn hick batty rider, twat.

              (I ainte White, right?)


              • #22
                it makes gameplay sooooo slooooow and some of those skins are soooo oldddd


                • #23
                  So, pale horse, did u take that Sg552 from the one posted along time ago on SOTD, that was an ak replacement. I thought someone would do that. I'm sure its a custom model, and that i can';t d/l it anywhere but just in case i can, please tell me. Or u could just submit it for SOTD and convince puffy to post it


                  • #24
                    The-OG-Jackal wrote..

                    So, pale horse, did u take that Sg552 from the one posted along time ago on SOTD, that was an ak replacement. I thought someone would do that. I'm sure its a custom model, and that i can';t d/l it anywhere but just in case i can, please tell me. Or u could just submit it for SOTD and convince puffy to post it
                    I think I found it on counterstrikecenter. altough you could probably just download the SOTD from CS-Nation and just rename it to sg552


                    • #25
                      UMM i have another thing to say just quickly here. Palehorse, u always answer, so i have another question regarding this pak. When i go to d/l the entire pack it goes and downloads and its action pak 3.5, that is right 3.5 WTF. I checked out both mirrors and they are both supporting the 3.5 download. So right yeah WTF is wrong, i want to d/l your pack and i can't. Maybe it's just my fucking gay computer somehow but i really dont think it is so yeah.


                      • #26
                        I got an e-mail about this also. I checked it and it is working for me. follow this link to download it from fileplanet:

                        action pak 4

