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  • becomes SK.swe

    It sure didn't take long for SK to pick up 2 new players. After recently removing Dark and XeqtR just 2 days ago, they have apparently made their decision on who will replace them. As bds' post on the Schroet site reads, they have changed their name from to SK.swe, and have become a Sweden only clan.[break="Click for more info!"]
    We are very happy to announce the swedish division of Schroet Kommando. This is something we have been aiming for.

    As I mentioned earlier the key to success is engagement and devotion. Skill is important, but you need to be a real team. You need to have the same goals.

    With the addition of Bengan and Kush we feel that we have a solid team with a nice morale.
    This could be a good or a bad thing for us NA players, seeing as Dark and XeqtR are 2 of the best CS players in the world. However, being local to Sweden will enable SK to LAN much more, so they will have more practice for the CPL. As bds stated in his previous post, LANing is a very high priority for them. Thanks to FLeK0 for the news submission. conducted a video interview with SK|Dark the day before he and XeqtR were released from SK. It is only available to "Gold" members, but I'll give you the gist of it. He is playing a lot of CS to practice for the CPL, and is looking forward to playing with for a long time. He also mentions that he is planning to play with them until CS no longer provides the needed substance. (money)

    They also posted a text interview with SK|HeatoN, which is available to those who are not willing to pay money for things.
    How long ago were these changes decided? Could you see them on the horizon?

    SK|HeatoN: A couple of days ago, we had a lot of meetings before that where everybody said that they would be active, wanted to LAN a lot etc, but that didn't really happen becouse some people couldn't play that much.

    At CPL Oslo when we recently did a video interview with DarK he said he was playing a lot of counter-strike each day and that he looked forward to playing with SK in the future, what do you think has changed and where does SK go from here?

    SK|HeatoN: Well I don't know really what went wrong there. We have some alternatives in SK that we are looking over atm.
    It was posted before bds announced Bengan and Kush's arrival to SK.swe, so he does not mention them.

    CS-Nation wishes SK.swe as well as Dark and XeqtR best of luck in their future endeavors!

    UPDATE: Dark and XeqtR have joined eoLithic. They will be taking the place of Luke and nVy, so eoLithic's starting lineup looks some what like this:
    • eol.damien

    • eol.dark

    • eol.knoxville

    • eol.naikon

    • eol.xeqtr
    Read the Press Release here. As usual, thank you FLeK0 for gracing us with the presence of your news submissions.

  • #2
    Now if this happened to a US clan, the entire clan would die, along with 5 others just for the hell of it.


    • #3

      I bet that if I moved to Sweden, they would take on on their team.


      • #4
        I still don't like SK cause of the 'HeatoN cult'. :/


        • #5
          lol HeatoN cult

          dude Potti = best


          • #6
            And then SK.swe will change name back to NiP :0


            • #7
              Still generally too much instability in clans in general....


              • #8
                Dark and Xeqtr have joined eo:Lithic


                • #9
                  The Village Idiot wrote..

                  Still generally too much instability in clans in general....
                  So have you run a clan atleast in CAL-m steadily for more than 6 months? Probably not.


                  • #10
                    CS-Nation wishes SK.swe as well as Dark and XeqtR best of luck in their "feature" endeavors!

                    and what features might those be? =p

                    Pr1mo wrote..

                    hey i figured out the quote thing, sorry for double post


                    • #11
                      Pr1mo wrote..

                      CS-Nation wishes SK.swe as well as Dark and XeqtR best of luck in their "feature" endeavors!

                      and what features might those be? =p
                      Ehe. Whoops. =X

