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CAL-i Week5, Thursday: Results

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  • #61
    Yea, you are correct. Some nice fellow with the nick "JizzMonkey" came into our channel and spammed something about 6 for like 5 minutes straight.

    I assume it was you, seeing as you are the only JizzMonkey I have ever met. I offer my humble apologies!


    • #62
      IPX ownz no doubt about it.


      • #63
        -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

        Why is eminence, with more rounds won, and less lost, ranked lower than BiO and IPX? Why not IPX at the bottom of that list? Seemed like the rankings were mostly based on rounds won/lost until I saw those two. What's the ranking method?
        the answer's right in front of your eyes brotha.. 6-4 < 7-3.. that's why.. you even wrote the numbers down in the message :P
        Mi6-Hero wrote..

        Well seems as CSN is one of the biggest clan sites and they only cover no name clans i think its quite strange and stupid, only 3D have the caperbilities to challange any Euro clan, but still csn covers the wonders of no name clans
        do japanese broadcasters for basketball cover the north americans because they're better, or do they cover the japanese?

