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  • #76
    Block aimbots. Then I'll actually give a flying fuck.


    • #77
      disabled wrote..

      ur mom has 40 cocks, and that's only counting public ones

      who knows how many private ones
      stooopid wrote..

      btw, i don't run cheats, and never have...

      ... and just because you've got a bitch mouth doesn't legitimize you either, so save the self-righteous crap for someone who cares.
      Ha ha, he only seems self-righteous to somebody who doesn't have any hint of even knowing what it is to be righteous.
      Raelz wrote..

      Block aimbots. Then I'll actually give a flying fuck.
      Right..... so, you think you're just as well off with people wall hacking as when people aren't wall hacking? Heh, I would almost place you just as low as stooopid on my moron list


      • #78
        Edited by [user="28793"] @ [time="1036572057"]

        Wow buddy, score one for enthusiasm. Actually, wallhacking has been being prevented for some time, some still work, but the vast majority don't and I've seen a steady decline in wallhacking on my regular servers, since then. However, I still see for the most part aimbot's left and right, It really doesn't matter if someone wallhacks, if they can't shoot. Hence, my aimbot hatred.

        I'm almost call you stupid, but your name clearly states that.

        People do things mainly because of opportunity. No matter what valve decides to release in regard to anti-cheats, as long as someone releases a hack, people will continue to do so, not out of necessity, but out of opportunity.

        And to concede your point, I'd rather have no wall-hacks, but I'm a reasonable person, and I live in reality. It must be nice living in never-never land, maybe I'll come visit you some time.


        • #79
          Wallhack block technology. Wallhack block technology. Wallhack block technology. Someone should make a song about that. Wallhack block technology.DOES NOT WORK its that simple !


          • #80
            works better than ur humor atleast


            • #81
              Wasn't the last major HL patch supposed to include this as well? And that did not work whatsoever? Personally, I am very skeptical about what Valve has to say about their anti-cheating efforts. Ever since PunkBuster the cheats have gotten worse and worse...if Valve had allowed Punkbuster that extra step for integration, I think we wouldn't even need to be sitting here having this argument.

              Also, what stoopid is saying isn't that he is a cheater, its that the reason people play the game is that they can convince themselves when they die, it wasn't their fault, they are good. And I can say that is absolutely not true. CS is good because of the gameplay, which is why it has grown from beta 1 to version 1.5+. All the cheats do is discourage people...I no longer know whether to say, "Wow, nice shot!" or "Nice cheat there!"

              Letting me be able to say "Nice shot!" would not only make public gaming fun again, but maybe it would lighten up this whole community. I stopped playing CS for a while and played Q3: rocket arena 3, and people were very friendly and helpful with all my newby tactics and questions. In CS that is far from the truth...this community really has a lot of jerks.


              • #82
                Raelz wrote..

                Wow buddy, score one for enthusiasm. Actually, wallhacking has been being prevented for some time, some still work, but the vast majority don't and I've seen a steady decline in wallhacking on my regular servers, since then. However, I still see for the most part aimbot's left and right, It really doesn't matter if someone wallhacks, if they can't shoot. Hence, my aimbot hatred.
                Hey, at least you tried to put a little intelligence in this post. Even if only one wallhack worked, that's enough to theoritically have everybody using it. No wallhacks is MUCH preferable. Yes, having aimbot's out of the way would be great too, but at least I'm polite enough to appreciate the fact that valve got rid of the other major hack out there.
                I'm almost call you stupid, but your name clearly states that.
                ummm... call me stupid for what? You already conceded the whole point of my post at the end of your post.
                People do things mainly because of opportunity. No matter what valve decides to release in regard to anti-cheats, as long as someone releases a hack, people will continue to do so, not out of necessity, but out of opportunity.
                It's been said several times before, and so obviously you don't understand it, but just to make the point, here it is. It's a server side block that renders all wallhacks useless. There's no opportunity to make another if this works.
                And to concede your point, I'd rather have no wall-hacks, but I'm a reasonable person, and I live in reality. It must be nice living in never-never land, maybe I'll come visit you some time.
                Right... reality... You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you. Come back when you get a clue with what's going on here. But at least you conceded that maybe you do give a flying fuck that valve blocked wall hacks. My work here is done.


                • #83
                  your mom is done


                  • #84
                    No. I conceded your point, that wallhacks suck, and their removal is important. YOU assumed I didn't care in your previous post. My inference is that it doesn't matter what Valve does, HLGuard tried the same method, succeeded for a week, and failed because of ESP. Hackers find ways to do things that aren't easily done. They'll continue to do so. Maybe I'm just a pessimist.


                    • #85
                      Raelz wrote..

                      No. I conceded your point, that wallhacks suck, and their removal is important. YOU assumed I didn't care in your previous post.
                      I assumed you didn't care? Your whole first post was the thing about how you didn't give a flying fuck. If that was supposed to convey anything other than you didn't care, then you need some better writing skills so you can write down what you actually meant.


                      • #86
                        My writing skills are fine, I posted that after blatantly seeing aimbots on a server. It was just what was on my mind at time.


                        • #87
                          I prefer to be optimistic. Step by step, hope this work so they can put their effort on aimbots.

                          (Yes, yes and yes: My english sucks)

