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Heart Of An AWPer, Chap. 15

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  • #16
    they shhould make a movie from the heart of the awper series


    • #17
      stories are good, but can never beat mine. hahahahah!

      "the AWPer is a whore. he shoots others. the end"

      and is there alky-hall in sasparilla?


      • #18
        Keisuke Takahashi, amazing!


        • #19
          thank you, thank you. that was some of my best work.


          • #20
            we need some rizzuh fan fics

            "...the terrorist saw the last CT through his sights, he took aim, and let off a round. The CT spun around in the air, and fell to the ground. He struggled to get up, but his strength was fading, and he took one last breath before finally laying in peace.

            The terrorist lay down his rifle, and threw up his arms in celebration. Suddenly, the building beneth him shook. He looked down to see a singular crack running down the length of the roof. Two more thunderous thuds crackled through the building, and the single crack multiplied into a criss-cross of deep crevices. Then, roof starts to collapse, piece by piece from the center of the building. In a shower of concrete, the roof explodes. The terrorist shielded his eyes and as the smoke cleared, he saw it. It was big, very big. It's eyes glowed with an awesome power, the terrorist realized he was outmatched. He ran, but he knew there would be no escape. He saw it, he saw it at last, he found the Rizzuh.

            As he watched, the creature's abdomen started to convulse. Smoke started to flow out from the edges of it's mouth, the terrorist turned around, but too late. A massive column of flame erupted from it's mouth, and engulfed the terrorist. The terrorist fell to the floor, he rolled hopelessly to quench the fires. He felt the acid burning through his skin, and then a massive shadow loomed over him...

            The creature pulled him off the ground with a massive hand, and swallowed him."

            like my rizzuh fan fic?


            • #21

              LOL! Good job disabled, you were actually pretty funny there. I was expecting rizzuh to get shot repeatedly and the bullets to just be absorbed into the fat, but that works just fine like it is.
              "...instead there was only the darkness, broken by the occasional lamp-post."
              Hehe, this is on inferno... after all the comments earlier about Narby's lamp-post fetish, that was rather humorous to me for some reason.


              • #22
                why bother

                btw Nighthawk GJ on stealing bandwidth


                • #23
                  Edited by [user="41266"] @ [time="1036755350"]

                  The awper stories are annoyingly glorifying violence and ... uh ... awps. Which I don't like.

                  And further, what's sarsparilla?


                  • #24
                    Is it just me or should this section read "post an insult"? The occasional time I actually bother in reading comments directed at a certain topic, it turns into a series of insults thrown from one person to the next. Grow up already.


                    • #25
                      why did u delete my comment u cunt muffin nighthawk


                      • #26
                        |CBW|-Enigma- wrote..

                        Is it just me or should this section read "post an insult"? The occasional time I actually bother in reading comments directed at a certain topic, it turns into a series of insults thrown from one person to the next. Grow up already.
                        stfu nub


                        • #27
                          -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

                          #10, you're not far from being banned. Keep that in mind.

                          Yes, this series is rather perverse and sadistic in many respects. We're on chapter 15, for crying out loud, you should have figured that out by now. If you don't like it, there's been plenty of time to stop, not like anyone is forcing you to read this.

                          With that said, I kind of like these stories. Not that I'd use them as bedtime stories or anything, but there's a certain fascination in the mindset of someone capable of killing without regret; no, killing for pleasure even. It serves as somewhat of a catharsis for some of the events we hear about and see in real life, helps us deal with them somewhat.

                          So, while they're not pleasant, happy-go-lucky stories, they still have a place, so long as you can appreciate them. Not totally realistic or anything, but I think that's kind of the point. Just like fantasy stories of heros paint pictures of men larger than life, invincible against all foes... this is painting the picture of the frightening character who himself is terrible and yet undying. Not realistic, but still entertaining in its way.

                          If any of you understood that, feel proud.
                          man fuck you


                          • #28
                            nighthawk sux0rs my nutz0rs

                            nighthawk also wipes my ass for me

                            thank u bitch

