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GeekPlay 5.1 Out

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  • GeekPlay 5.1 Out

    Looks like there is a new version of GeekPlay out for all you demo lovers. Maybe it's happened before (I've certainly never seen it), but this version has only ONE change to it, which is a bugfix with the viewdemo. Anyway, let's all head over to the GeekPlay site and get this to watch our demos of whatever clans were playing last night.

  • #2
    I thought they had stopped with geekplay.....


    • #3
      maybe u tell me what geekplay is and does


      • #4
        let's all head over to the GeekPlay site and get this watch our demos of whatever clans were playing last night.

        anyway geekplayer is a VERY convienient method of viewing demos, it shows you the list of all your demos, what map, who was playing, and lets you start them from your desktop.


        • #5
          geekplay = "not having to open CS and type viewdemo, then try to remember what you called that demo you just made, which in the case of international games is usually 3D_ct_v_tau_t_1st_half_mon_nov_11-2002....well, you get the picture"


          • #6
            o so its for lazy people who like to (for some reason) watch other people play cs.


            • #7
              pretty much, makes it easy for those who dont know the console commands


              • #8
                superman782 wrote..

                pretty much, makes it easy for those who dont know the console commands
                hence, "geekplay" is its name.


                • #9
                  YEEEEEEEAH NEW COMPUTER!!!!



                  • #10
                    Who's DrMangus?

                    My best guess...SCOUT IN DISGUISE AHHHHH!


                    • #11
                      so scout is sucking rizzuh's cock too then?


                      • #12
                        Its Almost like the words geek or nerd doesnt apply anymore,since jsut about everyone now uses a computer in these days,i remember when cars first came out,people called them names,i forgot though.


                        • #13
                          rizzuh needs to post a new hot topic; nobody seems to be commenting much.


                          • #14

                            Firstly, the model. The silencer is wonky in HLMV, and looks even wonkier in-game. It's also needlessly high-poly given that it's just a silencer - if you've got an old graphic card, don't bother even trying this model out. The main body of the gun is alright, nothing to complain about there. The aimpoint is a bit odd looking, they way it's been attached to the gun it looks like it could fall off at any second, it's too high up and it's also very angular around the caps, which is the main part of the aimpoint that you see. So that's no good. The arm models are also very nasty - they've got an edge to them down the side. You could cut cheese with those arms.

                            The skin is not much better. There's a fair ammount of texture mis-alignment on every part of the model bar the magazine and arms. The skin itself seems to have some sort of gradient form black to silver going on, it looks a little bit funky. The silver magazine is nice though.

                            Animations are the default UMP animations I think - on the reload the hand hits the bolt downwards, yet the bolt shoots out forwards... hmm... that ain't right... but anyway, not much else to say on the animations - they're defaults, what do you expect?

                            The rest of the replacement is a little bit odd too. The muzzle flash hasn't been moved to come out at the end of the silencer, it just comes out where the normal barrel ends. Looks pretty crap. I also noticed in-game that during the reload one of the sounds seems a little bit out of time by a frame or two.

                            Overall, don't bother with it. This could have been a good model if they'd only spent 15 more minutes on it, correcting the mis-alignment in the textures, the wonky silencer, etc etc. But evidently this model was rushed and it shows. Don't bother, there are much better UMP models out there.


                            • #15
                              I think it looks pretty cool

