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Counter-Script New Section

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  • Counter-Script New Section

    Counter-Script at PlanetHalfLife has announced its new Script Submission Section. Anyone can submit their works here, but make sure you register first. Also visit the download page where you could probably find most anything you wanted.[break="click me for the newest examples"]Sniper Zoom Sensitivity Script (by: Drunken Master)

    Crosshair Color Attack by Us

    Reload Warning Script (by Ronan)

    cmd_rate and update_rate connection speed tweaker (by FatAssAntFarm

    Advanced Buyscript (by (sic)-07-)

    Voice Comms Toggle (by:IamGrandPubaa)

    Demo Cycle Script (by:Mr. Q)

    Crouch Jump Modified Script (by:Lawsy the Aussy)

    Enhanced Radio Cycler Script (by:TeKilla)

    Crouch Jump & Fire Script (by:-=ILL=-MovingLeadCatcher)

    Double Zoom Script by Us

    Weapon Toggle Script by Us

    Timeleft Script by Us

    Stop Sound Script by Us

  • #2

    It's gotta be script heaven!


    • #3
      Some of the scripts are useless, the only things I would even bother using is the grenade warnings, which could be handy in clan scrimmages when throwing flashes. BTW, what's up with this "Quick Pistol" "Quick Primary" stuff? Anyone ever hear of fastswitch?


      • #4
        I like the cross hair adjustment script

        alias cross "adjust_crosshair"

        bind c "cross"

        Why all the unnessary bull****? lol


        • #5
          It's nice to look around at other people's scripts, but in the end, I personally prefer writing my own, just for the fun of it, and so I can tweak them for my personal preference.

          Of course, there's tons of worthless scripts in there, another example being
          alias disquit "disconnect; wait; wait; wait; quit" bind "f10" "disquit"
          just binding a key to "quit" does the same thing... no need for the extra disconnect command.
          alias qknif "weapon_knife" bind "f" "qknif"
          Again... why not just bind your key to "weapon_knife"?
          //Smoke Grenade Warning Script//
          Everyone run for cover! You don't want to get smoke in your eyes! Heh, I dunno, seems like spam to me.
          This script changes the sensitivity of your mouse when you zoom in and therefore makes your accuracy better.
          Or alternately, you could just put
          zoom_sensitivity_ratio "0.800"
          or whatever in your autoexec.cfg file.

          So yeah, a lot of worthless scripts in there, but there's definitely some useful ones if you're willing to root through the rest. Overall, nice site, even if I think the quality control should be done a bit differently. Good to get the community involved, definitely.


          • #6
            -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

            It's nice to look around at other people's scripts, but in the end, I personally prefer writing my own,
            I love my nade script. Spamming nades is so much fun when you have a script to do it right... i just grabbed a weapon buy script but I only bound one key: buy and toss, baby...

            Nade kills are like little dreams coming true. Its so wonderful.

