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Metamod Version 1.13.2 Out

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  • Metamod Version 1.13.2 Out

    Yeah. Sorry about the lack of posting the last few days. We've all been quite busy with finals and Thanksgiving and whatnot. Anyway, there seems to be a new version of the Metamod plugin out. As usual, this fixes a few issues and added support for some new mods. You can download it here.[break="version 1.13.2 changelog"]
    • mod recognition and entities for azure sheep v1.0, buzzybots v2.3, outlawsmod v.beta 1.5, the specialists v.beta 1.0, and stargatetc v.beta 2.2.

    • additional entities for the battle grounds v.demo 1.0, firearms v.2.6.5, global warfare v.beta 2.0, and tour of duty v1.1 beta.

    • updated mod recognition for rocket crowbar v1.9.

    • compiled against hlsdk 2.3.

    • corrected missing "const" in vdate.h (noted by ravenous bugblatter beast).

  • #2
    Edited by [user="54146"] @ [time="1038396781"]

    Cool, I have noticeed there are a lot Hitch Hikers Guide Characters in the cs Community Like Slartybartfast adn Zaphod and the Ravenous BugBlatter Beast. This top me denotes a higher intelligence than I previously crditied a lot of the commmunity than before. So Thanksgiving, hey, well respect to you Amercians who do that festival. Nice 1


    I myself am more MAtressy from Squornshellous Zeta, Vooning and flolloping y way thru life!


    • #3

      Marvin damnit! MARVIN! I lost the book, I'm so disorganized. I had the text based game on my old apple, which was great.

      PS: I'm flying away for Thanksgiving. All the way to Oregon.

      Metamod isn't my cup-o-tea, but I don't run a pub anymore so what do I know.


      • #4
        I live in Oregon, and I'm having Thanksgiving here too... what a coincidence! The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is awesome, though rather random. But hey, who hasn't heard of the Babelfish now?

        Well, looks like they're keeping metamod up to date, good good. Those guys are probably some of the most important and least appreciated people in the Half-Life mod scene, because most of their work is so transparent to the average user.

        Ahhh, Thanksgiving here in just over a day... can't wait to stuff myself, watch movies, and play some LEGOS with my lil' bro. So much to be thankful for here in the good old US of A.


        • #5
          Anyone know how to make ones server work without authing with WON?I recon reading here that it was just a simple thing you add in the shortcut of the server.


          • #6
            Edited by [user="24407"] @ [time="1038401872"]

            Metamod is the work of only one person (Will Day) and the occasional contributors that help with minor issues (since its open source).


            • #7
              -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

              ...and play some LEGOS with my lil' bro.
              That is pure awesome-ness.


              • #8
                Edited by [user="54146"] @ [time="1038405492"]

                Lego thing is cool, anyone remember Mechano? wooden sticks with holes in, I used to make sheilds and swords out of that...

                Yes weve all heard of the babelfish, but doesnt the Bible have a teensey bit more to do with that? The whole tower of Babel causing misunderstadning etc??? Anyhoo


                over and out

                So haev ytou all read the five books in the ´trilogy? So Long and Thansk for the Fish is the weirdest adn Moslty Harmless isnt great but the rest have to eb read,

                Oo and in case im getting off topic, Surely haveing a server that doesnt auth with wonis like, cheating or enabling cheaters to play..

                Man you guys are so unhip, its a wonder your bums dont fall of, syuch a froody line.


                • #9
                  The web thingy get's it's name directly from HGTTG. The Babelfish in HGTTG gets its name from the Bible thingy.


                  • #10
                    cHic0! wrote..

                    That is pure awesome-ness.
                    yah 'tis


                    • #11
                      By the way, it has been proved that Metamod causes the server not to register all headshots. So that is why when you play on a metamod server, you sometimes don't get a hs even though u aim head 100% sure. First WWCL plugin was suspected of this, but then it was further tested with metamod which was found guilty. The tests were made with 100% default config & settings. There is an article in Sogamed about it but I can't be bothered to find it again :/

                      Don't install metamod!


                      • #12
                        Until you give me real proof, then I won't believe it.



                        • #13
                          Ahh... so that's why everyone on the hlds mailinglists says it's wwcl... because the ppl running servers are 100% wrong... thank for enlightening me... NOT


                          • #14
                            when are you going to get round to posting some actual news


                            • #15
                              Damn!!! How many people here live in Oregon? We might all just have to meet up, cuz I live here too, in case you cared

