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Happy New Year!

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  • Happy New Year!

    y helo thar~!!!!!!1

  • #2
    Happy New Year!

    Welcome to 2003![break="let's talk about the last year"]2002 was a good year for the site all around. We launched this design and codebase in December of 2001 and for the past year have used its various features to produce a good amount of content, features, and news. Over 1,500 news items were posted during the last year, with 51,900 user comments. We started the year with 7,000 registered members and now have just under 87,000 of them. Which probably just means that most of our visitors have 13 memberships so they can argue with themselves.

    The site did a lot of great stuff this past year. Many thanks to the rest of the CS-Nation team and to all of those who have contributed to the site by upgrading your account to CS-Nationalist status, buying from our CS store, etc.

    Best Two Moments of the 2002 (for us) !!!

    In February, we slapped up probably out best feature ever, Gun Running. In August, we turned three years old. I've been with the site since the beginning and it's really been a fun if difficult ride. Ok, well those two moments sucked.

    Worst Two Moments of the 2002 (for us) !!!

    When I found out that CS: Condition Zero has moved development to Ritual, I stopped everything. And then two seconds later I went back to working because it didn't seem very important. Then the great news comes down the pipe that they're basically starting the game over.

    DocUK ripping off a checkers site is a nice, obvious choice. This almost ended up on the best moments side of things because it is so hilarious. The article was so absolutely boring that I never actually read the whole thing as my brain actually froze itself while reading the first few sentences. If I had read it I might have asked about the stupid phrases he used ("controlling the center"?), but I guess it taught me a life lesson. And no the lesson has nothing to do with responsibility or reading articles, it is simply that I should never trust a limey bastard.

    Later today we'll post the January, 2003 desktop calendar, as another year goes by on the CS scene. Good luck in 2003, everyone.


    • #3
      Happy New Year!

      Happy New Year's everyone, go write your new year's resolutions so you can later discard it with pleasure, and don't get drunk, it makes baby jesus cry.

      Just so the other CSN staff won't send me (more) hate mail for posting an "off topic" post, a new version of GameSpy for registered users has been released. It has more useless features and well, support for Counter-Strike retail.

      Presented here is my new year's resolution, CS style.
      1. stop TKing everyone.

      2. attempt to type sane in irc.

      3. (and to stop lying in these damn things)

      4. stop making trite jokes about self discrimination.

      5. haha this is going nowhere.
      Happy new year's, you Counter-Strike fanatics.


      • #4
        Happy New Year!

        Another great year has past and the new year will be even better. I know I'm a little late with the post but I felt it would still be appropriate.

        So continue drinking, ALT-TAB back into your CSS game, and continue to get pwned by those nubs!

        Happy New Year!


        • #5
          happy new year


          • #6
            rofl, that ritual thing was pretty bad.

            1337 + 666 = 2003


            • #7
              That DocUK article was pretty shitty. Boring as hell... I didn't finish it either ;p It didn't have any relevance to Counter-Strike, just general common sense.


              • #8
                orphy wrote..

                1337 + 666 = 2003
                hahah... gd point....

                i feel so sorry for u rizz on that CZ thingy...

                Let's Make This Year Better Than the Last!!!!!


                • #9
                  Happy new year all!

                  We'll still bring you the same great coverage on the same great website.

                  BTW, what do you think will happen CPL wise this year? (teams forming, breaking up, who will win, etc)?


                  • #10
                    as you already know, i think CPL sucks. Hah, I win.


                    • #11
                      orphy wrote..

                      as you already know, i think CPL sucks. Hah, I win.
                      You don't count orphy :P


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          yay for 2003 ... it feels like 2002 tho

                          predictions for the new year:

                          1. leet speak will become even cooler in its second phase .. symbols only, numbers and letters are for noobs! so $(@&%@) and then you can *)#&$ my #@($@)%!!!!11

                          2. people will finally stop calling everyone that is worse than them in CS noobs and everyone that is better hackers ... and i'll shit $100 bills

                          3. Ritual will drop CZ development for a really cool reality TV themed monopoly game and a group of lab monkies will take over and produce the most impressive game that anyone could imagine of fathoming


                          • #14
                            new years... maybe my shot at RZE will be more sucessful this time


                            • #15
                              tomanator wrote..


                              first comment of 2003
                              hmm.. first ban of 2003

