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Count Floyd Speaks

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  • Count Floyd Speaks

    Count Floyd, the creator of POD-Bot, has announced that he is working on a new unnamed bot. In addition to this new project he is going to release the source code for his famous POD-Bot. This means that all you future programmers can have some fun with his creation. Floyd had this to say about the release of his code.
    This doesn't mean I'm tired of developing a Bot or that I'm sick of POD-Bot. I just want to start from scratch again to be able to try out new things which I probably couldn't have done within the hardcoded, limited environment of the existing Bot.
    As you may know, the Count had coded an updated version of POD-Bot for inclusion in CS: Condition Zero before it switched developers. POD-Bot has always been my favorite way to practice head shots, so cruise on over to Count Floyd's page and check it out. For more info on the bot, check out the CS-Nation review.

  • #2
    I've always liked pod-bot, and now I get to screw around with it XD

    oh, happy days!


    • #3
      i hope he can create a more challenging bot that is actually fun to play with.

      i dont want to bash on pod-bot but its really not challenging at all, but i would say it's an overall good bot.

      im interested to see what he can create

      eh magi teach me to program!!!


      • #4
        Tech N9ne, I tend to agree with you. The only challenging aspect is POD-Bot's tendency (at close range) to do a jumping 180<degree sign> spin, and spraying headshot you in the matter of half a second. The joy!


        • #5
          The developers of CZ was CRAZY to let go of such a wonderful bot/developer and instead using the (allthough updated) Half-Life AI!

          Well, im really looking forward to Count Floyds new project


          • #6
            Edited by [user="26841"] @ [time="1041467327"]

            Yes, currently POD-Bot's abilities lie in inhuman turning and accuracy (at higher skill levels), rather than anything tactical. That's understandable, though, as just getting bots to properly navigate a map is a challenge in and of itself, let alone trying to get them to respond properly.

            What would be interesting would be a bot that could sit client-side and examine matches as they were played - where players tended to camp, general rushing patterns, areas of engagement, etc. Of course, you'd have to have it analyze demos, rather than in real-time, as it'd have to hook in, which you can't do while online.

            My other thought was that it'd be cool to have 2 modes for bots. PUB mode, and League mode. Basically, have bots in PUB mode be generally less skilled, more prone to rambo style play, and camping in odd places. On the League side of things, have predetermined defense points, general coordination of the teams, and a higher tendency to aim for the head of enemies.

            I think perhaps I'll give Count Floyd's code a look when I get some time. Most of my programming experience hasn't been in the HL realm, so it might be interesting to tinker a bit, and get familiar with it somewhat.

            Regardless, thanks for what you've already created Count Floyd, and best of luck on your upcoming project.

            [Edit: 31Charlie -- fix the podbot link, should just be to not through CSN]


            • #7
              POD Bot owned.


              • #8
                Instead of hiring 5 new newsies, get some new feature writers?

                POD-Bot + Headshot plugin brought one of my friends pretty far as far as aiming goes.

                POD Bot also saved our first local lan, where we lacked internet.


                • #9
                  Don't mean to flame ya charlie, but got some problems with your html there. Just make sure to keep the 'http://' in


                  • #10
                    Well ain't thats something, the links worked when I tested them. Anyway I would have to agree with the "amazing" skill of the POD-Bot. What I do is fill a server with about 20 bots all at the highest level of intelligence and put them all on one team. I then join the other team and give the bots knives. Sure it might not be hard, but it helps me out. Whatever turns your gumby green, I guess.


                    Oh yeah, fixed the links. Sorry about that.


                    • #11
                      I must admit that I really like PODbot although they give me headshots most of the time.


                      • #12
                        So CZ doesn't have bot support for those faux internet experiences?

                        Some of us stil have dial-up... !

