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POD-Bot Source Code Revealed

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  • #31
    ...or as a thug, threaten bodily harm!
    imma fuk you up

    serous imma go to [cybercafe] and knife ur ass
    Fun for the whole family!


    • #32
      you need help Dice, frying rizzuh on a george foreman grill and talkin about knifing people in a cibercafe... wait a sec ... that would be kinda fun

      *off to the local cibercafe with knife in hand*


      • #33
        Time to c0dz0r !


        • #34
          Steakeater wrote..

          I think the realistic chat code alone will be worth a look at...I once played in a server for about 20 minutes before I realized one guy was a POD bot (hey, I thought his ping was good because he was on a LAN!)
          How do you managed to play with podbot online? Unless you meant you were playing in a lan.

          Is this the same code for the cz podbot?

          Hopefully someone manages to make these bots less cheap.


          • #35
            You can use PODBots online.


            • #36
              podbot's such a great bot... it's pretty nice of Count Floyd for releasing his code. I can't wait to see what kind of modifications people will release with PODbot's code.


              • #37
                Steakeater wrote...

                I think the realistic chat code alone will be worth a look at...I once played in a server for about 20 minutes before I realized one guy was a POD bot
                You made my day. I seriously laughed for sooo long at this. The POD-Bots have no "realistic chat code" but rather just spew out phrases that are stored in a file at random. Anybody can currently modify what they say, but yeah... funny, funny stuff.

                Oh, and I've also played against POD-Bots online. Some servers are set up to keep the server at, say, 16/20 players, with bots filling up whenever people aren't there. As soon as a player joins, a bot is dropped, and the server stays at exactly 16/20 until more than 16 humans join. Most people won't join a server that has very few people playing, so it's a way to trick people into keeping a server popular.

                Ugh, now I'm going to have to waste any small bits of free time I have trying to figure this code out, and then seeing if it's worth tweaking for my own enjoyment. Let's just not have everyone and their dog releasing their own slightly modified version and calling it the "1337 DOP-Bot" or some crap like that, when all it has changed is making the bots camp more or rush more or something.

                My thoughts for a few useful POD-Bot changes:

                1. Bots reload intelligently, instead of only after running dry.

                2. Bots wait between jumps, so the 1.4+ jumping doesn't affect their ability to get to waypoints.

                3. Bots "overturn" while making turns, but turn exactly (with no "inaccuracy stutter") at a distance against unmoving targets.

                4. Bots on defending team stay near objectives when largely outnumbered.

                5. Bots on defending team camp dropped bomb / moved hostages.

                6. Bots fire more continuously the closer they are to their victim. (Not sure on this one... haven't noticed it, but it's possible that it's already coded into POD-Bot.)

                Somewhat more advanced...

                7. Bots utilize "save rounds" when necessary.

                8. Bot weapon selection affected by bot skill (ie, unskilled bots more prone to buying worthless weapons).

                9. Bots do not immediately recognize enemy fire from behind. Exaggerate delayed-recognition effect if:

                a) other weapon fire is within earshot,

                b) weapon fire is distant and/or quiet,

                c) near teammates,

                d) not currently taking damage from that direction, or

                e) enemy weapon is not distinctly characteristic of enemy team (ie, CT's don't react as quickly to hearing M4A1 fire as they do to hearing AK-47 fire).

                10. Sound-based aiming/firing only available to very skilled bots, only done after recent prior visual contact, and given much larger margin of inaccuracy.

                With those changes (which would obviously requite quite a bit of coding), I think POD-Bot would be vastly improved over it's current state, as far as making bots seem more realistic. Probably change #9 would be the hardest to implement, but is one of my biggest pet peeves with the current bots. There's other changes that would be nice, but that was my top 10 off the top of my head.


                • #38
                  gd luck nighty... ill be the first to try it out if it ever comes out... <--(not a sarcastic one. really, do try wat u are thinking ov doin....)

                  go nighty! go!


                  • #39
                    What I would change about all bots is there line of sight characteristics. It is impossible to sneak up on any CS bot, and impossible to surprise them.


                    • #40
                      It is not impossible to sneak up on a POD-Bot, so long as you're silent through the entire approach. The problem is that, upon making any noice (whether, stepping, falling, shooting, taking damage, whatever), the bot will immediately turn to being pointed at you, and shoot you in the face.

                      I've snuck up on a bot before with an M4 in my hands, but only 50ish health. I leveled with the back of his head, and let off a shot. It was meant to be a lethal 2 round burst (from crouched position), but it instantly turned around and shot me in the face with the AK, killing me.

                      If you look at suggestion #9 of mine, that would solve a lot of the "sneaking up" problems.

                      My other idea for the bots was simply making them somewhat less aware of their surroundings. For instance, not recognizing whether footsteps are friendly or enemy when there's several sound sources and such. So, if a group of 3 bots was running together, for instance, they may not notice the sound of footsteps behind them while they're making their noise.

                      The problem is, there's so many nuances to this concept that I'm willing to bet it'd be even more difficult to program than my idea #9, which I already mentioned would be the most difficult of the ideas I presented. It's not impossible to get this concept of distraction and non-awareness implemented, but with the amount of computation I can imagine I'd have to write into the system to get that working, a sever filled with bots would lag very badly on most machines. I'm not too good at optimizing my code for speed yet, unfortunately.

                      Like I said, I'll probably over the next few months tinker with this code some, but I rather doubt between work and school that I'm going to have the required time to do what I'd like with the code. Dang work and bills...

                      I don't like my job, and I don't think I'm gonna go anymore.

                      You're just not gonna go?


                      Won't you get fired?

                      I don't know. But I really don't like it, and uh, I'm not gonna go.

                      So you're gonna quit?

                      Nah uh, not really, uh, I'm just gonna stop going.

                      Uh, when did you decide all that?

                      About an hour ago.



                      So you gonna get another job?

                      I don't think I'd like another job.

                      What are you gonna do about money and bills and...?

                      You know, I never really liked paying bills. I don't think I'm gonna do that either.

