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Forsaken Promoted to CAL-i

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  • Forsaken Promoted to CAL-i

    Earlier today, Team Forsaken was promoted to CAL-invite. Forsaken is a veteran CAL team, but this could be their chance to finally prove themselves. gotFrag had the chance to ask Holden, leader of Forsaken, a few questions.
    GotFrag: Are you suprised that the first round loss at CPL didn't seem to hurt your chances of being moved up? And could you talk a little about what happened at CPL?

    F^Holden: I think it did hurt our chances in the beginning, but then i think when 2c died there were no clans that they could move up that would do well. I still think that a couple of the teams that were moved up will not be able to compete at the CAL-i level. I'm sure the whole community knows about Forsaken at CPL, so I dont need to go into great detail. Basically we had a lineup that was put together a couple of days before cpl, we played a map that required a lot of teamwork, and we played a great team in iLan early.
    Forsaken was ranked #9 in gotFrag's North American CS Rankings. You can view gotFrag's short interview with Holden here. Thanks to Gpig20 for the tip.

  • #2
    Again I ask you what timezone are you in? Everytime you say earlier today it's always yesterday for me.


    • #3
      Forsaken is more prepared for CAL-i than any of the other move-ups (spare GX).

      I am beginning to wonder whether any of the thirty thousand CSN newsies actually care about CS news, or do they all just wait for submitted news. My pet alligator could do that just as well.


      • #4


        • #5
          Well when you have 50,000 hits or something some people submit news. Though this news is pretty old.


          • #6
            All news needs to be reviewed and scanned for virii, trojan horses, pornography, and checkers strategy content. If they're missing the newsies toss 'em in.


            • #7
              Why are there fish everywhere?


              • #8
                Good Job Forsaken (Team Netzone); you guys finally made it.


                • #9


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      i love going a whole week without dsl.


                      • #12
                        Did you have directTV DSL? I did too so i went without DSL for 2 days. I'm on covad now.


                        • #13
                          Don't hate the player, hate the game. Better late than never.


                          • #14
                            Lucky MikeJ.

                            I'm going to have to wait 7+ days for my DSL to return when I decide to pull the plug on DTV.


                            • #15
                              Forsaken has been ready for CAL-i forever. They beat out teams like zEx and IWA at the World Cyber Games Finals by placing 2nd, righnt below 3D. GL to Forsaken in CAL-i!

