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A Basket And A Half Of News

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  • A Basket And A Half Of News

    That's right, folks. Too much news to fit on the main page! If you had a big basket, you'd have to buy another just to fit in all of this news. I mean, really. That's like a lot.I'm sure what I just did was a great service to the community as a whole, so I'm gleeming with joy right now, and thinking very highly of myself. Enough about me, so what else is there to talk about? Click all the links and post some comments.

  • #2
    Lol, lots of useless news, gj.

    Seriously, gj.


    • #3
      In other news good job superm0nk.


      • #4
        Before anyone takes the 'Microsoft buys Sierra' suggestion up, and develop this into a 'CS could go Xbox only' suggestion or some other crazy thing which would upset CS enthusiasts - don't. It's crazy. Wouldn't happen. Never will. CS is (technically) Valve's property, not Sierra's.

        Just had to get in there first.


        • #5
          This is were i would come in with my semi trolling and start shouting about an x-box only future for CS. But I'll save my breath for now and go do something productive. Which is probably going to be to go play CS on a dust server, which shouldn't be ironic at all.

          ...I just woke up. Anywhay speaking of CS demos, what's up with sogamed?


          • #6
            they're changing servers or something...gex posted something about right before. (i think)


            • #7
              X-Box... More like G-Box for Great-BoX!


              • #8
                Where did the idea for Microsoft to buy Sierra come from anyway? I'll admit I didn't check out any of the links on this basket full 'o' news, but I did read through each description, and I'm stumped, as it were.


                • #9
                  Wow all that news and tidbit wasn't used once! How surprising/pleasing, yay for superm0nk!

                  and ya .. Microsoft buy Sierra ... plz explain

                  aaaahhhhh wtf?! DoD is winning the mod vote! get over to the polls!


                  • #10
                    I voted NS as best mod of 2002, and militia2 as best movie ^_^


                    • #11
                      eht ehm, no one is talking about Cs-Demo, eht ehm... lol, ya, you would think my site would be more about demos.. lol, read the about page if ur curious..


                      • #12
                        uhh supermonk i think you did somehitng wrong, cause all the news IS ON the main page. fool face.


                        • #13
                          I'm posting on supermonk's behalf, since he's unavailable to *snicker*

                          superm0nk: previously, i had posted a story from avault about vivendi selling sierra and blizzard, and that microsoft was a contender to buy, but took that part down because it wasn't very relevant.

                          There you go. Hope it clears things up XD


                          • #14
                            superm0nk, that is a lot of news. Did you make all that up, or is some of it true?

                            Oh, but don't bother to reply here

                            m0nk does good work though, doesn't he?


                            • #15
                              good job supermonk but some of this should be in separate posts and the Morph BotW (if mentioned at all) should be a one liner in a newsbit~

