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HLDS Exploits II

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  • #46
    I love how the kids scream for the plug-ins to die, when all they do is act as catalyst. The problem is in HL, the plug-ins make it easier for it to happen.

    BTW: I like that avatar. What model is that of the George Foreman Frier is that? The Rizzuh burner? :P


    • #47
      Disk2 wrote..

      What was your reason for bringing this up again? To show that I made a little syntax error while still getting my point across?
      well since youre a 'l33t c0d3r' you should express yourself in a more exact way...shouldnt ya.

      now, lets try again. how will a person with a winnt-based os kernel get his files deleted...?


      • #48
        Insomniac wrote..

        now, lets try again. how will a person with a winnt-based os kernel get his files deleted...?
        You can do this by simply hitting start, then run.. then running around deleting things. This is exactly what someone can see on your computer. As long as they don't try to delete something in use, or something to screw up TCP/IP (as you'd get disconnected), you can have your way.


        • #49
          i still got that nasty trojan...and it wont let me i dont have to worry about gettin formated while playin :]


          • #50
            -Dice20 wrote..

            And since we all know that CS players are largely preteen script kiddies, there's a good chance someone's going to be hurt here.
            You do realize everyone who plays CS is a "script kiddy"? Cough config.cfg :/


            • #51
              he doesn't mean cs configs


              • #52
                hobbes[DCS] wrote..

                i still got that nasty trojan...and it wont let me i dont have to worry about gettin formated while playin :]
                that doesn't mean someone can't go in and manually delete your windows folder.


                • #53
                  Insomniac wrote..

                  well since youre a 'l33t c0d3r' you should express yourself in a more exact way...shouldnt ya.

                  now, lets try again. how will a person with a winnt-based os kernel get his files deleted...?
                  umm... del c:\somefile.txt


                  • #54
                    Insomniac wrote..

                    well since youre a 'l33t c0d3r' you should express yourself in a more exact way...shouldnt ya.

                    now, lets try again. how will a person with a winnt-based os kernel get his files deleted...?
                    I banned you for being a complete ass.


                    • #55
                      N1ghtSt@lker wrote..

                      that doesn't mean someone can't go in and manually delete your windows folder.

                      but wit me ona 56k, i dont think the attacker would wanna spend 26 mins deleting one file,if he could ever could get into my machine


                      • #56
                        so they can get complete access to ur computer or just your drive? what if my drive is partitioned would they be able to get access to both of my drives? or only the one hl is on?


                        • #57
                          hobbes[DCS] wrote..


                          but wit me ona 56k, i dont think the attacker would wanna spend 26 mins deleting one file,if he could ever could get into my machine
                          You're missing the point. But then again I am too, since your computer is obviously worthless and not worth the effort to hack.


                          • #58
                            Hobbes: Your windows folder dosent have to get transfered, just that one command that deletes it. After that your computer does quite a good job of destroying itself, without any help.

                            WooFerPPK: Any drive that your computer can acess, the hacker can acess. Your safe if your drive is A. unpluged or B. taken out of your computers cmos settings. (note that doing either one will also make you unable to use your drive)

                            Since im an ubber nerd, im going to have to stop playing cs until a patch comes out. Guess its back to the good old days of duckhunt, if i can ever find that nintendo gun thing.


                            • #59
                              but still,it would take a long time for them just to get to that folder


                              • #60
                                A fix for adminmod has been published. gj


