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CAL-i Coverage

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  • CAL-i Coverage

    CAL-i coverage is not in effect tonight; SinaC quit on us, as he's apparently burnt out, and while I would love to do tonight's coverage I'm afraid we can't just throw it together right now. So for tonight, please visit gotfrag for the latest updates in CAL-invite.

  • #2
    bye sinac


    • #3
      SinaC did a good job when he was around, but I'm glad that I no longer have to deal with his endless rants about how skating is not a crime. Thanks for helping so much!


      • #4
        Go beg spiffman to come back. Tell him gotfrag already has 2 billion people covering esports and cal-i.


        • #5
          Spiffman joined because Midway wanted him to but couldn't himself, so had spiffman join and planned on feeding stuff through him. It didn't work that way, but I don't mind that spiff left. Gotfrag is a great site anyway!


          • #6


            • #7
              Late sinac, was good work last season.


              • #8
                you can feel the resentment in rizzuh's post. he really hates the fact that we suck at esports, compared to a million other sites.


                • #9
                  superm0nk wrote..

                  you can feel the resentment in rizzuh's post. he really hates the fact that we suck at esports, compared to a million other sites.
                  Damn you know how to make people feel good...



                  • #10
                    When I was around we did ok in eSports... that was before gotfrag, however. I just haven't had enough time lately. I have after-school stuff on Monday, Wednsday, and Thursday, which are maybe the worst days to have it. (If we were to make the world around writing for CSN, that is.) I also have obligations that take up the remainder of the evening on Mondays and Thursdays. It was unfortunate that I had to stop writing... I'll still hang around the site, and maybe in the summer come back. Maybe. Sorry for the short notice rizzuh, Sublyme, and the rest of the CSN staff excluding superm0nk and exo. buttpirates.


                    • #11
                      superm0nk wrote..

                      you can feel the resentment in rizzuh's post. he really hates the fact that we suck at esports, compared to a million other sites.
                      cs-n doesn't suck THAT bad, I really liked the predictions and vote thing. gotFrag is better though

                      IMO, CPL coverage is where this site shines best.

                      (in terms of e-sports)


                      • #12
                        Even tho i work for UGL i dont really care to read about every detail that happens in CAL-i, it just isn't interesting. I like the fact that CS nation covers the community of CS not just the leagues.


                        • #13
                          It's called esports dude...


                          • #14
                            good riddance, sinac. i'm pikcing up your slack.


                            • #15
                              I always felt I did good coverage ;0

                              leastaways, the cpl coverage

