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Random Bits O' Joy

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  • Random Bits O' Joy

    Alright people, time for some more newsbits. They're like bacon bits, only not as crunchy and flavorful. And you can't eat them, either. It'd be like eating electricity. Anyway, onto the news that you probably will barely glance at:
    • mfa video productions, those cool dudes who made all those videos at the winter 2002 cpl, have a new website! right now they are currently working hard on three new videos: a wrap up video, cpl behind the scenes video and a cs movie featuring in game and real life footage of the top matches! sounds fun! click here to head on over to their site.

    • looks like f4ng has rejoined the cal-i team exs, where he will undoubtedly help them in their quest for cal-i glory. yeah, i got nothing for this one. more information's right here folks.

    • clanmod has released the patch to fix the security holes that were brought to light this week. pick it up here, but remember, they only work for v1.81.11 servers.

    • has posted a nice little article about the commercialization of counter-strike. in it, they talk about how a simple mod could be turned into a business enterprise for so many people. this also includes interviews with the top clan leaders and managers. head on over and read for yourself.
    Well, that wraps up some more news bits. There's also some CS 1.6 info that's coming out, but I don't think you care about that.

  • #2
    didnt they already make a cpl wrap up vid


    • #3


      • #4


        • #5
          Fang is insanely talented.


          • #6
            f4ng pwns every1ne!

            f4ng>Ur Average bear!


            • #7
              DrMagus, you're a funny guy. newbits, bacon. wonderful!!

              ps: get humor lessons


              • #8
                It's be like eating electricity.
                It would be...

