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Aztec Conquers Dust

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  • #76
    aztec, dust2 and italy are the only official maps i run on my server. even these maps don't seem to attract players like they used to. if i try to go from scoutzknivez (most popular map on server) to militia, inferno or assault the server empties out quick. the noobs will usually stay for a round or two if it's aztec.

    small custom death-match maps seem to draw the most players on my little (9person) server. de_747 sounds like a good map to add; it's small, fast and has an objective WOOT!.

    i have a deathmatch aztec (dm_aztec_maso2) running now. it's a blast. stop on by my server. the custom maps are small and will download in a few min with broadband.


    • #77
      As much as it DOESN`T matter:

      I hate de_aztec. It just gets so old and predictable.

      And whats the deal with the crickets?

      I`m SERIOUS! They don`t bother me!


      • #78
        Thanks the lord for stopsound


        • #79
          The best Counter-Strike map is Prodigy. It has feeling and atmosphere, unlike many of the current official maps.


          • #80
            (fights back tears) I remember the first time I fired up CS back in early beta days... The first map I played was Aztec. Nostalgia.

            Id have to say, Im a cs_assault whore, I know the T's camp like crazy but I can't help but be drawn to it. Its awesome at LANs.


            • #81


              • #82
                I released new map - cs_mapperz, it's urban style map, Kingpin style, ping good aka r_speeds not higher than 600.I map for My Kingpin:Life of Crime, 4 years, and now I made first My cs map.Here is scrnshots:


                I don't have place to put cs_mapperz, 'cause I got custom textures, .bsp, .txt file.If you like map feel free to contact me :




                • #83
                  aztec rox


                  • #84
                    aztec is too bright, and isnt CS themed at all, how come all the none cs themed maps (ie relistic ones) aren't popular....

                    realistic and atmospheric maps like survivor, deadlock, haste.

                    and VIP maps are probably the best team-orientated maps in cs, such a shame so many noobs just play cs for stats and not the suspense that VIP maps provide.


                    • #85

                      This is pretty weird, I usually follow stats on the CLQ and it always seemed to be a couple of million minutes behind dust and more behind dust 2.

                      Could it be that the stats are being influenced by 1.6? I noticed a lot of people playing aztec to see the new version, perhaps that's it?


                      • #86
                        Now i have been playing cs sinc version 1.3 maybe earlier as i remember the m4 having a scope:] Now i used to also h8 dust but only after almost a 2 year layoff (playing occasionally her and there) i have come to appreciate it. when i came back i have 2 admit that playing aztec was irritating as every1 had started using awps but as some1 else has said i 2 have a little awp skill and have to admit that i usually prefer to take peeps using them out with a rifle ( SG or the like) so please peeps just deal with it as whingers spoil my game more than AWPers.


                        • #87
                          I really like the inside based maps, bring back cs_docks!!!!!

