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CAL-i Fun

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  • CAL-i Fun

    As I'm working on a CAL-i program, sublyme and superm0nk have taken the night off. Fear not, as gotFrag has predictions and a match of the night, along with live coverage.

  • #2


    • #3


      • #4
        No one is in the 3D server, I must be missing something.


        • #5
          rs lost D=


          • #6
            RS lost, they played really well tho.. i thought rs would win.. oh well.

            3D won over DoP 14-10!


            • #7
              that and i didnt feel up to predictions when my car went slamming into another and basically was totaled today. wow i love car wrecks.

              but for what it was worth, these were my quick picks:

              zEx RiotSquad -- 16-8

              Domain of Pain Team 3D -- 9-15

              iLanGamers TEAM STOMPING GROUNDS -- 16-8

              art of eXecution shockwave -- 15-9

              Biodegradable Heroes Team c[h]ikara -- 15-9

              issues with authority Team NetZone -- 5-19

              TEC Green Berets -- 17-7

              Texas Area Untouchables utopian -- 16-8

              Echo 7 Hicks With Sticks -- 17-7

              Excess Eternal Silence -- 14-10

              WeekEnd Warriors The Speakeasy Offensive -- 16-8

              High-Tech Performance frag university -- 15-9

              In for Blood Ascension -- 8-16

              New Expert Gamers Gamers-X -- 6-18

              Team Rival nerve -- 15-9

              Pinnacle Legends 17-7


              • #8
                CAL-i program? EXCLUSIVE!


                • #9
                  wtf could this program actually do?


                  • #10
                    Hope you're feeling better soon Sublyme, sorry to hear about that.


                    • #11
                      It's alright but not quite deserving of the elusive 10/10 award in my opinion.

                      The modelling itself is just as it was before, so nothing to comment about there. It's good, and that's all there is to say on the modelling. I'd like different arms though, I prefer the old-style arms usually but these have a nasty sharp edge to them that's highly visible.

                      The new skin is, well, it's okay. However most of it is in need of greyscaling (I swear skinners are tinting models now just to piss me off specifically), and the skin is very 'battle worn', with scratches and the like all over the place, which I personally hate with a passion except in a very small number of cases. The new magazine skin is pretty good, though actually it's now a bit too transparent, the plastic shouldn't be quite that clear. It's still as close to perfect as we've ever gotten though (in terms of the magazine skin only, that is).

                      The animations are what really bugs me. Frankly the default P90 animations are better then these. These animations are too fast (in future, a simple animation at the right speed is much better then a complex animation at a fast speed), the shoot feels far too unnaturally exact, and in fact the only animation that isn't annoying in some way is the draw, and that's only not annoying because it's so bland (though admittedly, bland is more preferable to crazy and stupid).

                      Overall I'd say this is a good replacement just ranking above it's older brother. However it needs more work done on it before it truly deserves that 10/10 score.


                      • #12
                        Looks great, but the arms are crap and the mag looks stretched out. Otherwise decent job.


                        • #13
                          this isnt worth 10/10, i really think the black one that i use myself is a better looking gun, this one seems to toyish to me in game, the colors just dont seem to fit, i really like the black one, it makes the p90 look awesome in black


                          • #14
                            Nice gun, i liked the other one, and this one mostly the same so I like it.

                            BTW KiGrind While reading your half rant/half review I noticed you can't read. It's an aimpoint. An actual part of a gun. I feel unsafe knowing that they allow you own (if you really do) an assault rifle. Much love.


                            • #15

