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CS 1.6 Aliases

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  • First of all, it is much more intelligent to use +/- scripts for purchasing, and second of all, I've always used a separate button for m4/ak purchasing.

    Plenty of keys, as well:


    0 - Primary Ammo

    . - Secondary Ammo

    kp_enter - Defuse

    1 - Deg

    2 - Kevlar

    3 - +helmet

    4 - M4

    5 - AK

    6 - AWP

    7 - HE

    8 - FB

    9 - SG

    And even after all that, there's still four more bindable keys on the numpad alone...


    • Lestat, seems we agree. thats a good thing. we'll have to see what these new aliases do. like you said, they can either just up and give you the gun you request, or it will go through the menuselects to get you the gun. if the latter is the case, you will not be able to bind any rifles to the same key for ct and t. gj by us. =j


      • are we speaking two different languages or something? or are you one of those people who automaticly rationalises everything anyone says into what ever you want, not really listening to what others have said? lol. Here is a quote from what I typed. There is no "if" in what valve said they were going to do, otherwise there would be NO POINT WHATSOEVER. sigh.
        Lestat wrote..

        Hence, why valve seems to be willing to help this situation out by creating gun specific built in aliases, so that the menuselect number differences will not have to come into to play what so ever when it comes to buying a gun. what has already been said a couple times. : )

        welcome to csn. take a seat, have a cookie


        • Commands like scout and hegren will be integrated into CS.
          if i could spell hallegulah, i would spell it now.


          • Serious Sam wrote..

            What about custom models and sounds?

            Is the naming methods the same?


            • -AngelDust- wrote..

              I think they should change the menu for the defuse kit back to the old ones because I keep buying nightvision
              Or perhaps you could read the post, and you'd realize it's not going to be an issue anymore. Or, worst case, you could just switch your aliases (isn't hard to do, you lazy bastard) to point to the right things.
              .::Phoenix::. wrote..

              defuse kits???? they have those things...neat
              This explains sooo much about the people I play CS with in pubs...
              ST|2iD3|2 wrote..

              wow this all sounds great but when the h**l am i gunna be able to get 1.6 cause i missed the BETA when it came out for like a few days and now im kinda pi**ed off. lol so where can i get it NOW ?
              You know, it's c**l when you put st*rs in the place of l**ters in sw**r words, because somehow you seem to think that writing things like "pi**ed" will offend people less than "pissed" would, as if that would offend anyone. I don't think I'm the only one here who realizes writing 'sh*t' isn't any less offensive than writing 'shit' is.

              So how about you just wait for the fin*l version of C**nter-St**ke to be rel**sed to the p*blic instead of bitching about it?
              CmdrFlesh wrote..

              possibly we won't even need a cfg file worth beeing called a buyscript anymore, because we'll have atomic commands buying the guns for us, which can be directly bound to the desired keys.
              We'll still want to buy different team weapons with the same key, so we'll still be scripting this stuff. Plus any other nifty features, but rizzuh already outlined some of those, so I won't.
              Insomniac wrote..

              meta? is that meat?

              now if only valve would let us use custom weapon models and custom sounds, i will be happy. player models can be locked as well as select sounds.....but weapon models/sounds we should have the right to choose our own. :P
              META is a word. Ever heard of metamod? Metamorphesis? Metastasis? Metalica? Okay, so that last one didn't count, but perhaps you could just pick up a dictionary. Sorry if you were cracking a joke with the meat thing.

              As far as custom models, last time we were given information, it was that we would still be able to use custom weapons models and such. Also, I don't see a whole lot of point in locking any of the sounds, as replacing, say, a silencer sound with an unsilenced one doesn't change the dropoff rate, which is what's really affecting the volume of the firing. Perhaps I'm overlooking something, but I rather like being able to mess with the sounds. In particular, I like my smoke grenade to keep on "hissing" while it spits out smoke.
              kaxman wrote..

              First of all, it is much more intelligent to use +/- scripts for purchasing, and second of all, I've always used a separate button for m4/ak purchasing.
              Why use 2 buttons when 1 is sufficient? You answer that later, but I'll address it there.
              Plenty of keys, as well:



              And even after all that, there's still four more bindable keys on the numpad alone...
              In your list, you don't even include the MP5. Sure, some people only use 4 or so weapons, but a lot of us like to have as many of the weapons as possible packed in, so we can buy fun/worthless weapons for kicks sometimes, and still have it go fast. You know... for those times you need to do some TMP rushing.

              As it is, I think I have perhaps 3 weapons and nightvision which aren't bound, everything else is packed onto my number pad and arrow keys. To each their own, though, which is the beauty of scripts and custom controls.

              Regardless, while I still think the weapon menu reordering is goofy (the original beta order made sense, even though it was different), I really don't care at this point, as I'll be buying everything with scripts. And on that note, I say thanks VALVe, that's the best solution to the whole conflict that I've seen.


              • kaxman wrote..

                (...) it is much more intelligent to use +/- scripts for purchasing (...)
                Why? (seriously)
                -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

                (...) We'll still want to buy different team weapons with the same key, so we'll still be scripting this stuff. (...)
                I agree. But exactly those "two-command-aliases" aren't worth beeing called a *script*, imo lol


                • Quote me nighthawK!!


                  • .::Phoenix::. wrote..

                    defuse kits???? they have those things...neat
                    LMFAO. I know someone to never scrim with as CT.

                    Added @ [time="1044762854"]

                    Stiffer wrote..

                    what about

                    alias clmenu "wa4; slot10; slot10; slot10; wa1; slot10; wa1; slot10; slot10; slot10; slot10; slot10; slot10; slot10; wa2; slot10; wa; slot10; slot10; wa2; slot10; slot10; wa1; slot10; wa"

                    where wa is one wait and wa2 2 waits and wa4 four waits

                    that werks just fine
                    I once found a .cfg file sitting in my CS folder that went like this (actually it's still there or i wouldn't be able to quote it):

                    alias w4 "wait; wait; wait; wait"

                    alias w16 "w4; w4; w4; w4"

                    alias w64 "w16; w16; w16; w16"

                    64 waits... holy shit. And i just had that in my cs folder for some reason.


                    • no offense buddy but you fucked up big time, first of all the first person you quoted was talking about buying manually, thus he/she could not merely change the aliases on their nonexistant buyscript

                      in your fourth quote, you said 'how can you buy multiple weapons with just binds?' no, you dumb fu*k (ya, i know you like dem stars), you can just type: bind KP_HOME "ak47; m4a1" and whadya know, two weapons with a bind...

                      now get the fu*k out of here you stu*id fu*king flammer


                      • SteelV, it's a good idea to quote or at least mention who you're replying to, so people have an idea.
                        SteelV wrote..

                        no offense buddy but you fucked up big time, first of all the first person you quoted was talking about buying manually, thus he/she could not merely change the aliases on their nonexistant buyscript
                        Actually, it wasn't stated whether it was one way or the other. They could have been talking about buying manually, but they also could be talking about using scripts. It's unclear.
                        in your fourth quote, you said 'how can you buy multiple weapons with just binds?' no, you dumb fu*k (ya, i know you like dem stars), you can just type: bind KP_HOME "ak47; m4a1" and whadya know, two weapons with a bind...
                        Allow me to quote something that does a pretty good job of defining scripting...
                        "System programming languages were designed for building data structures and algorithms from scratch, starting from the most primitive computer elements such as words of memory. In contrast, scripting languages are designed for gluing: they assume the existence of a set of powerful components and are intended primarily for connecting components together."
                        Binding multiple commands together is considered scripting, even if you're just doing it with the "bind" command. Regardless, many of us like doing things like buying ammo as well. Then maybe switching to whever weapon we bought. You end up with things like

                        bind KP_HOME "ak47; m4a1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; weapon_ak47; weapon_m4a1"

                        Some people don't like that much crap in their config.cfg file, and would rather have "bind KP_HOME rifle2" or whatever in there, with a seperate, clean, easy to modify alias elsewhere.

                        Additionally, some people like a couple of "hotconfigs" or whatever, that are their full loadouts at different cash levels. One might be an M4A1, vest/helmet, defuse kit, full ammo and grens. The next might be an AWP, deagle, and vest/helmet. You get the point. Or do you?

                        Buy scripting isn't completely invalidated for everyone simply because it was made less complicated.
                        now get the fu*k out of here you stu*id fu*king flammer
                        It's always a good idea to tell a moderator to leave, and to insult him for rather unknown reasons. Somehow I doubt that any of the people I responded to felt flamed, but if they did, it wasn't my intent. Sorry you seem to have such an issue with me, apparently.
                        Serious Sam wrote..

                        Quote me nighthawK!!
                        Oh fine... happy now?


                        • Edited by [user="98151"] @ [time="1044834145"]

                          once again your an idiot, i dont give a f*ck if your a mod... you always flame people for no reason and then try to make yourself look correct by saying "it was unclear what they mean..." maybe it was to an idiot... not to anyone with any semblance of intellect...

                          binding two commands isn't a buy script, i dont give a f*ck who you quote

                          edit: btw i read that guys message again it is SOOOO clear he is talking about purchasing manually

                          btw what are your qualifications? i have made buy scripts for several large clans


                          • Can j00 play CS on a LAN without having to connect to the internet?

