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GotFrag's "Ask a Pro with Ksharp"

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  • #16
    Voice comms were the biggest load of crap added to the game.

    All changes other than that have been good.

    Making the dead spectate thing switch to 1st person view of killer **INSTANTLY** would rock.




    • #17
      Voice comm is without a doupt the best thing ever added to CS.


      • #18
        RaptorRage wrote..

        Yeah it appears to be perhaps a 10% reduction or so, but it equates to the 1.6 player's height nearly a full head shorter than in 1.5 and it someone messes up practiced aim. I'm also not entirely sure but it seems to make jumping up on some crates and other areas a bit harder. I'm trying to get some identical screenshots on official maps to get an exact measure.
        i know in prev cs versions the actual viewpoint is from the middle of the chest rather than head, cos if u crouch and walk up to someone who is crouching, u need to aim up to see their head


        • #19
          yeah... kinda like ur eyes r on ur chest... kinda weird. to HS sumone, u need to aim high up... not straight ahead...


          • #20
            The point of view still looks accurate from the player's perspective, its just that the actual player models appears somewhat smaller in the maps. If it turns out not to be the case and the models haven't shrunk, I wonder if the initial 1.6 beta chase cam being further back than usual gave an optical illusion of smaller players...


            • #21

              "If you were to make a CS "Dream Team" - Which 5 players would you choose?

              Too many to pick from, I can tell you who I wouldn't have on my team, Torbull."

              Did anyone else flash to the old Prod demo where they actually had Torb play? "Torbull, you dickwaffle" and "What the hell did I just say? No AK no Nades!"


              • #22
                Bit of a boring old sod aint he?


                ^i'view with 4K^Darth, much more..'fun'


                • #23
                  120-144 refresh rate???? wtf??? umm noo.... unless he has a super expensive monitor... normal crt 85 hertz... v sync... vsync will sync on that.

                  Another "pro" whineing that they cannot jump/crouch and get hs with a deagle or mp5... I want 1.3 back WAHHHHH WAHHHHH

                  Ever notice that everytime they interview someone he is the "best""most popular"... blow smoke up a 18 year old computer nerds @#$... how come they never ask what else they do??? What other hobbies... or questions like what voice comm do you use? in game or 3rd party....


                  • #24
                    MikeJ wrote..

                    Voice comm is without a doupt the best thing ever added to CS.
                    I think guns were the coolest things ever added to CS. Yeah, like the original guns, and guns in general. After that, I'd say other players are the second coolest thing, and being able to move is the third. Everything after that is fluff.
                    Foo2rama wrote..

                    120-144 refresh rate???? wtf??? umm noo.... unless he has a super expensive monitor... normal crt 85 hertz... v sync... vsync will sync on that.
                    "normal crt" lol. Your maximum refresh rate varies by what resolution you're running. For my humble (not top of the line) 19" I can get 120hz at 1024x768, and 150hz at 800x600 and below. It drops to 85hz at 1280x1024, and 75hz for 1600x1200 and above. Well, okay, it only does 2048x1536 at 60hz, but I don't tend to use that mode much.

                    Anyway, most pro gamers tend to use a somewhat lower resolution, from what I've read, so their frame rates remain very high. Besides, you get used to something... why change it? So, it's really not hard to imagine running your refresh rates that high.


                    • #25
                      gonad wrote..

                      Making the dead spectate thing switch to 1st person view of killer **INSTANTLY** would rock.
                      That would look kind of cheesy. I like the way it is now. I remember tripping out when 1.4 came out and they added the thing where the camera moves to show the person that killed you. I was like, "OMG its like teh m4tr1x!!``~"

                      But seriously, what they REALLY need to do is make it so you can see the person that killed you's HP as soon as you die. I hate it when i'm the last person on my team and I dont get to see the other guy's hp because the round restarted.
                      CabalSoljea™ wrote..

                      ..kinda like ur eyes r on ur chest...
                      Yup, you can just tell this game wasn't made by females.
                      -:Nighthawk:- wrote..

                      For my humble (not top of the line) 19" I can get 120hz at 1024x768, and 150hz at 800x600 and below. It drops to 85hz at 1280x1024, and 75hz for 1600x1200 and above. Well, okay, it only does 2048x1536 at 60hz, but I don't tend to use that mode much.
                      I only get 85hz @ 1024x769 D: I guess I have the humblestest monitor around here. I hope you were being sarcastic, because now I feel bad. But then again I got this monitor really really cheap.


                      • #26
                        cHic0! wrote..

                        I only get 85hz @ 1024x769 D: I guess I have the humblestest monitor around here. I hope you were being sarcastic, because now I feel bad. But then again I got this monitor really really cheap.
                        My 19 inch gets 120 at 800x600 and 100 at 1024x768. I just switch to a low windows resolution and raise my refresh rate before playing. My 17 inch was a good monitor so I wonder what kinda rates I got on that.

