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Steam Update 02.12.03

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  • #16
    }-{ellrazer wrote..

    I grabbed steam of some german sight last month and haven't mess with it too much. I love a lot of the updates (other than the slow strafe, but i bitched bout lose'n the bunnyhop in 1.4) but when steam was released it sucked & i see why it's official release has been delayed. It seems to be stabilizing now, so I guess it is time for me to get weened of of 1.5. Anyway, do you guys know how to customize 1.6? I found where to put my cfg's but, the bsp's, mdl's, wav's, etc seem to be compressed until you run the game. Do i just stick custom mdl's in the same folder i put my config's in? (if this question has been addressed somewhere else, & i bet it has, just link me there)

    hmm, good question. I don't think any good CS 1.6 models have been made yet, but i HAVE seen servers running custom maps. I don't know where you would put that kind of stuff, but I'll look for you.


    • #17
      hmmm... how do u change ur handle on Friends?


      • #18


        • #19
          You don't run custom models with the beta of CS1.6, sorry. However, you can put your configs in your cstrike directory like normal. Backup your config.cfg (after you have it as you like it) though, 'cause it's prone to being overwritten if you change much in the settings, and you can lose keybinds.

          As far as maps go... great question, beats me. Haven't looked into it, just been letting Steam download maps I didn't have if needed, which is rare.
          » Fixed problem where multiple chat windows could be opened for the same friend.
          Nope, you didn't, but nice try. This still has been going on even with version 4 of Steam. Huge amounts of delay between messages to some contacts as well, while others fly through nice and quickly. In general, Friends has been unstable at best, but it's still a nifty addition to CS.

