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Counter-Strike is Good For You

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  • #31


    • #32


      • #33
        InfidelFunk wrote..

        whats with that screenshot on the article it doesnt look like cs
        that was from the gearbox version of CS:CZ ... no one will ever play that game


        • #34
          Edited by [user="32825"] @ [time="1045103399"]

          no luck.

          i still can't go to 24 hour LAN partys

          Yet more funny bbc bull


          • #35
            lol raven. those bbc people are retarded


            • #36
              Bah. I like it that this researcher wasent just mindlessly bashing the game while compleatly ignoreing all the counter points(no pun intended), and good things about it.

              I think his bottom line of cs being "good for you" is up for debate. It really depends how much you play it. Overusing cs (or anything for that matter), can have serious effects on you. In this case, your school/work and or social life. Its all fine and dandy to have a booming online social life, but you can turn off your computer, or delete a message board from your bookmarks anytime, and never come back. You have to go back to real life, all your stuffs there!


              • #37
                Yay BBC, For unbiased reporting! U shouold see them on tv, actually noticing its suspicous that we lower interest rates, put tanks on the streets of london to freak people into wanting to blow the shit out of people on the other side of the planet. Where as what do we see from CNN? Oh yeah, CS is bad it kills j00o and Death to enemies of 'free people'

                yeh yeh, I urge u to watch bbc reporting more! Flks, you odnt even notice your own porpaganda machines!!!



                • #38
                  Yes, i sometimes get BBC shows on random channels (mainly PBS, Discovery channel, etc.). It is mostly good stuff.


                  • #39
                    warning, this found it's way into my inbox and is slightly - but just slightly - off-topic:
                    Computer games don't affect kids, I mean, if pac man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music.


                    • #40
                      The conclusion that teenage boys are the only ones who type homophobic trashtalk isn't really correct. I think a lot of people use CS as a forum for rage. Bitch.



                      • #41
                        Edited by [user="23722"] @ [time="1045182301"]

                        The full article is pretty cool if you read it.. but it seems he spent most of his time on pubs, not servers with regulars who play activly in leagues. I spend alot of time on a heavily admined (few bans actually alot of kicks) server where the average age is more around 22-23, most players are CAL IM or higher and this artical reminds me of the old days when i used to pub alot... Now when I pub... all I get is "You cheat" and get banned... I only went 50 and 4 on dust... not hard as a CT when the T's are idiots, and the average ping is 100 plus... but I digress.

                        the full abstract is located here


                        it makes more sense


                        • #42
                          CmdrFlesh wrote..

                          warning, this found it's way into my inbox and is slightly - but just slightly - off-topic:
                          something about pacman, blah blah, if you wanna see the quote look down at his comment.
                          I have seen that on many shirts (worn mostly by umm, well, i guess i'll call 'em fags, but not in the gay way) at my school


                          • #43
                            Frito Bandito wrote..

                            Do I win the award for longest comment in a post, or are there longer ones?
                            Sometime look up some of mine, heh. No award for you! Nice, all the same, I found myself laughing several times through your post.
                            Gnu wrote..

                            Although it is good to see some positive press about gaming for a change, I'm still of the mind that this "research" is a bit questionable. Counter-Strike players (on pubs, at least, which is a large majority of the userbase) are the most socially inept lot you'll find in the whole of online gaming, and I dare anyone to prove me wrong. I've come across a lot of nice folks over the years, but most C-S players are juvenile, rude, obnoxious, and lacking social skills in every way imaginable.
                            CS attracts a wide age range. Unfortunately, with as hot of competition as there is in the game, it brings out hostile feelings too. I wouldn't say there's tons going on in CS that way that wouldn't come to mind in an intense game of basketball, but when you're playing against people in real life, you tend to keep your mouth shut more.
                            pycckuu wrote..

                            (...) and when he says "they play because they are afraid of something like this in real life"... AFRAID OF GUNS??? THAT GUY IS RETARDED!!! i would start jumping around like crazy if my mom would get me AK 108 for birthday.

                            to conclude all the nonsense i typed, the article was hillarious, the scientist just fucking dumb, and the news website even dumber for posting that on there
                            I have to admit that some of the catharsis theories I've heard about computer games seem a bit far fetched. However, to read a news article that is talking about research and not presenting the actual research, and then proceeding to call the researcher rude things makes you look like your own name should have been substituded in that sentence.
                            WuTangKillaBeez wrote..

                            whoever says n00b, nub or any of that the cs language or even speaking in that gay ass leet langauge in real life are fockin losers man and they derserve to be smacked up and jacked for there lunch money by gangs.
                            This from the guy who thinks it's perfectly fine to cheat while playing CS. Sure, cheatings is fine and great, but if someone says "n00b" they deserve to be assaulted in real life. My, aren't you a brilliant little fellow?
                            Foo2rama wrote..

                            The full article is pretty cool if you read it.. but it seems he spent most of his time on pubs, not servers with regulars who play activly in leagues.

                            the full abstract is located here


                            it makes more sense
                            Thanks for posting that link. I had already done a google search by the time I read this post, and was poking around that site.


                            Pity that it seems that you and I were the only ones interested in finding out what was actually said. Always nice to have a positive perspective on the subject, so long as it's not unrealistic.


                            • #44
                              Edited by [user="32044"] @ [time="1045237670"]

                              hrm. I know people have said this before and been slapped silly bacause of it, but CSN forums would be cool. I mean, look at the *MOSTLY* cool people on the comment pages. The conversations here are a lot more fun than the "not-so-instant AOL Instant Message" kind of chat it has going on at I think it would have to be CSNationalists only, that way it would weed out most of the idiots that has, cause you'd have to pay 2.50 to be able to use the forums. I think some of these people would be really cool to have a conversation with that isn't supposed to be realated to some news post. Oh well.

                              /me prepares for a good IRC-style trout slapping

                              P.S: In the name of friendly competition, the copy of Word 2000 that mysteriously appeared in a box by my computer along with the 7 other disks of Microsoft Works Suite 2000 says this about my comment (this is not including the quotes, of course):
                                » Pages: 1

                                » Words: 459

                                » Characters (no spaces): 1,960

                                » Characters (with spaces): 2,418

                                » Paragraphs: 6

                                » Lines: 31
                              I know Nighthawk, that you like to post comments on people's quotes, but most of the comments are... the quotes. Find your biggest and we'll compare =]

