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CAL-i: Match 2, Week 1

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  • CAL-i: Match 2, Week 1

    Seeing as I run a business, I am forced to charge you guys for in depth predictions. You had your free short predictions on Monday, but not tonight, oh no![break="Pay up for predictions!"]RESULTS:


    neg -over- GX :: Forfeit

    e-- -over- 1st :: Forfeit

    `2c -over- rs :: 13-11

    aoX -over- BiO :: 13-11 HLTV demo - mirror

    sf -over- DoP :: 13-11 sf.bebe's demo

    zEx -over- ExS :: 16-8

    3D -over- e7 :: 19-5

    utp -over- PLAYBOY :: 18-6

    Ipx -over- TuF :: 16-8

    sb -over- iwa :: 16-8

    Pinnacle -equal- TAU :: 15-15

    TSG -over- LgD :: 13-11 TSG | destrukt's demo (Best. Demo. Ever.)

    ifB -over- frag :: 16-8

    W.E.W -over- tso :: 18-6

    neRve -over- SYB :: 14-10

    Rival -over- TEC :: 16-8

    A good variety of matches tonight, including some incredible upsets against 2 of the top clans. sf was able to defeat DoP, and will face zEx Monday. They've already beaten 1 of the top 5 clans, 4 more to go. Or are they a top 5 clan... ?



    ifB -over- frag :: 14-10

    Both clans are new to CAL-I this season, and ifB came in second to Ipx in the Pacific Division in CAL-m. Ipx beat fu in a rescheduled match, while ifB triumphed over neg 15-9.

    W.E.W -over- tso :: 15-9

    After tso's surprising loss to TuF last week, I'm forced to predict against them. They lost their 2 best members kane and moto to 3D last season, and W.E.W is certainly able to dispatch of big names like tso. W.E.W to win it.

    TuF -over- Ipx :: 16-8

    TuF beat tso and Ipx is new to CAL-I this season. Ipx was able to get the late win over fu, but I think that TuF will be able to keep that momentum strong from a surprise win over tso.

    neg -over- GX :: Forfeit

    *cry* - GX has retired from online play.

    neRve -over- SYB :: 18-6

    SYB got destroyed by Rival, 22-2. neRve, however was on the opposite end of the spectrum, triumphing over TEC 20-4 to open the season. I think that that's reason enough to predict that neRve will win.

    Rival -over- TEC :: 19-5

    TEC took a beating, while Rival handed one out Monday. I've thought highly of Rival since last season, while TEC hasn't shown alot of promise.

    LgD -over- tsg :: 14-10

    This should be a close match. TSG was able to pull out a last round win against the under-handed PLAYBOY. I'm going with LgD, even though they lost to `2c 13-11. I'm looking forward to watching this one. Or at least the results.

    DoP -over- sf :: 18-6

    This shouldn't be a problem for DoP. sf is new to CAL-i this season, but blew away their CAL-m adversaries utp 19-5 Monday. DoP picked up a win as well, against the more seasoned [rs]-, 14-10. DoP certainly has the experience edge, and have started off the season strong, winning against a top team.

    rs -over- `2c :: 14-10

    2c just edged out LgD, who are new to CAL-i, 13-11 Monday. I think that although rs lost to DoP, they'll be able to get the win here against a less-skilled and experienced team.

    PLAYBOY -over- utp :: 15-9 (matchbot in #Playboyclan @ 8:30CST)

    utp is new to CAL-i this season, getting moved up from CAL-m after losing to LgD in the finals. They lost against sf in their first ever CAL-i match, getting stomped 19-5. I think PB will be able to recover from their loss to tsg and win this.

    sb -over- iwa :: 14-10

    sb looked to be a surprise success last CAL season, but fell short toward the middle of the season. iwa has died and is now a zombie, losing to BiO in a close match 13-11 to start this season off. I'm going with sb even though they lost to zEx 15-9 on Monday.

    zEx -over- ExS :: 16-8

    zEx is a powerhouse, seemingly losing only to 3D in online. Both of these teams won their first match of this season, ExS edging out the unstable TAU 13-11, and zEx beating sb 15-9. I'll go with zEx retaining their winning record.

    3D -over- e7 :: 19-5

    e7 has lost some key players in the past few weeks, while 3D has looked like the "All-Star" team it is ever since they picked up moto and kane from TSO. 3D was able to destroy 1st 19-5, and I think they'll beat e7 with the same score in their second match this season.

    eminence -over- 1st :: 16-8

    e-- has picked up some big names lately, namely da_bears, Jaden, and DTM. They've been able to really bring eminence up to a new level, where they're able to compete with names like zEx, 3D, DoP, and rs. They showed it Monday, destroying Pinnacle 21-3, and hopefully they'll be able to retain their momentum on a tougher opponent.

    UPDATE: Firstwave has retired, thanks to scr0llwheel for that info.

    TAU -over- Pinnacle :: 15-9

    Both of these clans lost on Monday, TAU 13-11 to ExS, Pinnacle took a beating from eminence, 21-3. I think that Pinnacle will have a hard time recovering from such a loss, and TAU will be able to beat them by a score of 15-9.

    aoX -over- BiO :: 13-11

    This should be a great match. These 2 teams were supposed to face off for the CAL-M Central Championship, but due to some roster issues, BiO got a forfeit win. A forfeit in the CAL-M Championship. I just can't get over it. They both won their first CAL-i match, and I think that both clans will be thinking about that CAL-M match. Will this match be what would have really happened, or because of pickups/losses of players, would there have been a different outcome? I guess we'll never know. I think it'll be very close, with aoX edging out bio 13-11.

    Those are my predictions, I'll give you guys match bot info when I get it. If you have any demos from the matches (HLTV or POV) then DCC them to me. I'm always in #CSNation on gamesnet. The results should be interesting, and I suggest you [attempt to] watch HLTV while I roll around in my money from you suckers.

  • #2
    Great stuff there sinac.

    I only disagree with 2 things.

    I think aoX will win by much more than 2 rounds


    utp will beat PLAYBOY.


    • #3
      sounds like a blast of a night dudes


      • #4
        1st~ just retired :x


        • #5
          Jeez SinaC, nice work there. I hope rs wins it all =D =D


          • #6
            gj man.


            • #7
              scr0llwheel wrote..

              1st~ just retired :x
              I can't wait to see the incredible HLTV of 1st vs GX ...


              • #8
                How exactly do i watch a hltv cal-i match i wanna watch one SOO bad cuz i wanna get some tips on how to play a little bit better could anyone help?? and uhh wtf is with the ip's how exactly do u put that in a browser or w/e u put those in... (im a clueless newb who needs help)


                • #9
                  predict: bio > aox 14-10


                  • #10
                    KottoNMoutHKingS wrote..

                    How exactly do i watch a hltv cal-i match i wanna watch one SOO bad cuz i wanna get some tips on how to play a little bit better could anyone help?? and uhh wtf is with the ip's how exactly do u put that in a browser or w/e u put those in... (im a clueless newb who needs help)
                    You just connect with that like you would any other server. If you usually use CS's in game server browser, then go to console and type
                    connect HLTV IP here
                    And you'll connect. I use ASE and it's the best damned thing ever.


                    • #11
                      was he kidding about running a business?


                      • #12
                        Insey wrote..

                        was he kidding about running a business?
                        did you just pay to read his predictions?

                        if not, you owe me $10 through paypal BUDDY


                        • #13
                          SinaC wrote..

                          And you'll connect. I use ASE and it's the best damned thing ever.
                          Better than small kittens?


                          • #14
                            Insey wrote..

                            was he kidding about running a business?
                            Yes. I "work" for rizzuh, who runs the webpage. It's not a business.
                            d0nk3y wrote..

                            did you just pay to read his predictions?

                            if not, you owe me $10 through paypal BUDDY
                            I would have pulled that on him but you're stupid.
                            theweirdgingerone wrote..

                            Better than small kittens?
                            Yea, but barely.


                            • #15
                              Damn sinac, perfect on aoX vs bio.

                              Close match, aoX won on the last round.

