
No announcement yet. at Oslo?

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  • at Oslo?

    Over on SoGamed it was posted that has come to the decision to not take part in CPL Oslo on numerous grounds in an interview of SK|bds by SK|Nicole.
    We have put down a lot of time to set up a new structure and also get contract to our players. Xenon has gone to England to study so we're not really prepared. Now we're putting our energy on CPL Paris and of course CPL Dallas in December.
    The whole interview is available, though only in Swedish here.

    Since this interview, however, SK has gained Hyb, from the now inactive GoL. Hyb, like many current SK members, was a member of the 2001 World Champion team, NiP. Hyb would make their fifth, but is still undecided about attending Olso. Let's hope for competition's sake that they do.

  • #2
    lol gj reza

    and sweden all the way


    • #3
      Yes... uhm... Go Sweden! Yay?


      • #4


        • #5
          NIP is almost back

 have 4 key-members from NIP and the super-CL bds.



          • #6
            No I-eS at CPL Oslo either. They're qualifying for WCG.

            With us hopefully! :E


            • #7
              Edited by [user="14458"] @ [time="1032574155"]

              Swedish only??? Me dont think on the British flag and Presto!!!!

              Norwegians KICK ASS !!!!

              "Ja Vi elsker dette ......"

              Maybe I should have verified my info a little more....can't seem to find the English version of the interview after all....oops!


              • #8
                The skin is by Lonewolf (yes THE Lonewolf) it was one of his first skins.

                This isnt getting anything more than a five from me.

                1. smoothing is attrotious (sp)

                2. Skin is not up to par with todays skins.


                • #9
                  As Andeh said, the smoothing is very poor. Normally it's somethign that I'm not too worried about as being on a low res you don't notice it as much, but in this case it is annoying. The skin is nothing short of bland either, the arms are horrible, and there is a lot of crap there that could be taken off.

                  - 1 for the needlessly high poly count (4231)

                  - 2 for CZ arms

                  - 1 for the stupid shells on the arms

                  - 1 for the awful smoothing

                  - 1 for the bland and slightly stretched skin

                  Avoid at all costs.


                  • #10
                    Edited by [user="232003"] @ [time="1087490588"]

                    EWW!!!!! BLAND CITY!

                    The shotgun shells look od green.

                    -2 for CZ arms

                    -2 for green shotgun shells

                    -2 for a bland ugly nasty skin with misalighnments.

                    I found more probs.

                    -1 for the ejection port that wont open(or at least i cant see it it open in JHLMV but i really dont care this gun is horrible)

                    Its best said the way cartman said it: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


                    • #11
                      i like it =D i think its different from the normal shotguns and gives a little more *Bang* to it. Meh ... u all have no taste =P lol j/k




                      • #12
                        The shells on the arms arent very good. I would take the time to fix that if only the skin didnt suck as well. The only good thing about this are the CZ arms, I hope every new SOTD has them from now on! = D


                        • #13
                          andeh couldnt' say it any clearer.



                          • #14
                            Edited by [user="233290"] @ [time="1087505501"]

                            Not too good.... the shells on the shotgun seem misformed, and I just don't like the idea of him having shells on his arm

                            EDIT: Nemesis what?!!! thats another -1


                            • #15
                              I dont like the skin, but hey, i didnt make that.

                              10/10 because my name is in the credits.

