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Minor VAC Updates

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  • #16
    flippo wrote..

    It would be cool if valvE would just release updates and not tell anyone. Mass banning ensues.

    I'm a rebel by the way.

    hi i like to misspell release
    But then people would bitch about valve apparently not updating enough.


    • #17
      Hmmm now the OGC webpage says

      "Under construction, opening 20th September"



      • #18
        System is probably talking out of his ass again. I can't see why UA kicks all the myg0ts yet allows him to post in their forums.

        I do remember when VAC started all the cheaters screamed it didn't work. Few weeks later a large number are busted. Now the number of cheaters I've seen are really few and far between. Most of teh cheats that VAc can't catch are private cheats, but the ones that get to the public have short shelf lifesbefore VAC detects them. A year ago at this time the cheats were out of hand, but now it you can safely say, Things are getting better.

        Just hope VAC gets the wallhack block going by the end of the month.


        • #19
          VAC should include a n00b detector !



          • #20
            whoopee fooking doo.....

            Vac is working so well, its banning legit non cheaters from servers!!

            I got banned for 24 hours for "persistent cheating" and yet, I've never, ever used a cheat in all my life as an online gamer!!

            Funny thing is, talking to other people who play CS, its quite interesting to see how many people are getting kicked and banned even though they don't cheat....

            VALVE - GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!!!!

