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CPL Store Opens

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  • CPL Store Opens

    The Cyberathlete Professional League has just opened up their very own store, where clans can design their own uniforms that also feature the CPL logo, or other CPL brandished items. So if you want your clan to sport the newest in matching outfits, check out The Cyberathlete Professional League Store.[break="Click to see full release info"]Dallas, Texas - September 10, 2002 -- The Cyberathlete Professional League® today announced that it has launched The Cyberathlete Professional League® Store. The new store will offer high demand CPL logo merchandise to individuals and teams. Fans of the CPL will be able to purchase CPL apparel and gear.

    Shoppers can choose over 14 different shirt designs, both screen printed and embroidered. Stretch baseball caps embroidered with the CPL logos front and back. Gamers who could not attend the Summer 2002 event are now able to purchase a Summer Event shirt at a discounted price.

    Counter Strike teams can design their own uniform, while wearing the official logo of The Cyberathlete Professional League. "The Cyberathlete Professional League Store will have new items every month," said Robert Krakoff, Managing Director of The Cyberathlete Professional League Store. "We have some very exciting products now and some others coming soon that will be exclusive to The Cyberathlete Professional League Store."

    The Cyberathlete Professional League encourages individual creativity in the form of design submissions. "If we like your design, we will pay contributors $1.00 for every shirt sold for as long as the garment is available," continued Krakoff.

  • #2
    hehe just what i always wanted, cpl clothes


    • #3
      i want nationalist


      • #4
        Is this some kind of joke??

        I mean.... who would actually wear this stuff?

        Next thing you know we are going to see CPL gangs roaming the streets wearing their 'clan colors' and getting all ghetto on us.

        All those big threats made through the keyboard of a 12 year old may come closer to home as they yell them at us from their mommy and daddy's car window while quickly speeding past!!!!!

        /me hides.



        • #5
          well it does seem kind of cool in the fact most clans already get together and make some dorky looking shirt for whatever event they go cpl is helping to make it so that those shirts aren't ghetto looking


          • #6
            Did you notice i was bored and decided to rant without reason?

            Please accept my apology in advance.



            • #7
              Those look like something I might buy, and then hang them on my wall.

              Don't ask.


              • #8
                Edited by [user="29272"] @ [time="1031775571"]

                Uhhh, clan uniforms? Riiiiiiiiiiight.

                Next thing you know 3D will have their own line of shoes.

                Wait a minute, that'd be f'ckin awesome...


                • #9
                  I'd maybe wear a cpl baseball hat but the shirts are kinda dorky if you ask me :/


                  • #10
                    INTIMIDATE the crap out of your opponents merely by entering the room!
                    Dunno about you, but I'd be pissing my pants.


                    • #11
                      Im going to get a shirt

                      lol j/k


                      • #12
                        Damn, why can't everyone just be "cool" in the world; smoke a little pot, wear baggy clothes, and talk "G"ish. This stuff... makes me cringe


                        • #13
                          just because ur fat and ugly doesnt mean the rest of us are


                          • #14
                            hehehehehe anyone who buys something like that is ethier a loser or some1 who has been forced


                            • #15
                              [CL]Slayer wrote..

                              hehehehehe anyone who buys something like that is ethier a loser or some1 who has been forced
                              Thats what i said about abercrombie and fitch and Tommy Hilfiger. Go figure.

